Sunday, May 06, 2007

Truest statement of the week

Anger. Resistance. They're pissed off, as well they should be. Natalie Maines [of the Dixie Chicks] embodies that. It's that, "F--k it, man -- this is not what I want this country to be." There's a lot of young people who feel that way. The young people I work with and who come to my events, they're beginning to feel their power in a very different way than in the Sixties and Seventies.

-- Jane Fonda responding to Anthony DeCurtis' question about what she sees in young people today that tells her they are hopeful. The quote appears in DeCurtis' interview with Jane fonda in the 40th anniverary issue of Rolling Stone magazine (on sale now), the May 3-17, 2007 issue. We almost went with with this quote last week but bumped it for one by Betty. Betty nominated it again this week and, as Jess pointed out, the issue is still on sale. And, Jane Fonda is featured in the documentary Sir! No Sir! which airs Monday night on The Sundance Channel (check local listings).