Sunday, May 13, 2007


This feature is written by Wally, Cedric, Rebecca, Betty, Elaine and Mike and all selections were made by us unless otherwise noted.

"The Jowls of Death" -- Look out Betinna! You've heard of the Jaws of Life? Betinna's up against the converse, a very ugly device.

Pesto Potato Salad in the Kitchen" -- Trina's providing several recipes, actually, and also noting why some need to clarify and explain themselves on Iraq now.

"Bully Boy doesn't understand "foreign forces"" &"THIS JUST IN! BULLY BOY SAYS FOREIGNERS OUT OF IRAQ!"-- the Iraqi parliament calls for a timeline for withdrawal of foreign forces and Cedric and Wally show you how the Bully Boy greets the news.

"Katie Couric, Robert Knight" -- if someone was slagged non-stop, from long before taking a job, how do you think they're ratings would be? Kat on both the continued sexism and the silence on the topic.

"NYT: He's reallly too old to play go-go boy" -- Ty said Lynda picked this one as her favorite entry by C.I. last week. ("He" is John F. Burns.)

"The US must 'stay the course' - says the exile who fled in the 80s" -- and our own pick for favorite entry from C.I. last week. (In the non-Iraq snapshot division.)

"David R. Francis, The Third Estate Sunday Review" -- Jim's pick for his favorite post by Mike last week. If you haven't noticed, Jim and Mike are engaged in a continuous bid of one-upmanship.

"Ron Jacobs, Paual Rothenberg, feminism" -- a very popular entry by Elaine last week. And, did you notice, a "Mommy's Day means flowers and food" type this year elected to emphasize the peace roots of the holiday. (After Elaine's post went up.)

"THIS JUST IN! MODEL CITIZEN BULLY BOY!" & "The 'inspiring' Bully Boy" -- Wally & Cedric explore the realities of Bully Boy as motivational speaker.

"camilo mejia, dennis kucinich, matthew cardinale" -- Rebecca's first real post since giving birth.
("Sir! No Sir! airs Monday on The Sundance Channel" was a mini-post to give a heads up.)

"Gonzales Cesspool, Robert Knight (Betty)" -- we'll let Rebecca and only Rebecca speak about this one. "Betty was just asked to fill in. I didn't expect her to go to the trouble of hunting down things and trying to get on top of them. This is an amazing post as she updates on the latest regarding Gonzlaes. That said, I hope she never does that again. I just wanted her to have a little fun while she's filling in for me."

"So-called apathy (C.I. guest posting)" -- Betty, "My oldest son said he'd finished his project when asked on Monday. Wednesday, as we're driving home from church, this is Wednesday night, he says he didn't finish it. I had to make sure that was being done and C.I. was the last one I wanted to ask but the only one I could reach." Amazing post and one that Betty tried to get highlighted at The Common Ills but C.I. said "No." So it's also a "Banned from The Common Ills post!" :D

"This & That (Betty filling in for Rebecca)" -- Rebecca says this is a wonderful blend of various strands and a treat to read. "The sort of thing I expected Betty would do and have fun with."

"Jim filling in for Rebecca (and Betty)" -- Jim wanted to fill in to help out and Betty said it wasn't needed but it was appreciated. A first-rate post. Jim argues he had about half-planned out and the minute he reached the end point on that, the thing just goes flat. We just know we enjoy it.