Sunday, July 10, 2005

A note to our readers

Another edition. What a nightmare. We spent two hours discussing books for our "Five Books, Five Minutes." We lost it in post and what was saved was not much. Ava and C.I. both said they weren't sitting through that again this morning. Jess agreed. Ty asked if we'd ever make it to bed before the sun came up. So we'll try to pick that up next week.

We have blog spotlights, multiple and there's a reason for that. But you can read an entry from Mike, Betty, Rebecca, Kat, and Pru. Thanks to all involved. (We would have liked to reprint an entry by Ruth but we didn't have time to ask ahead of time.) (C.I. said there were enough Blog Spotlights and asked that we not reprint any C.I. penned items so that the focus could be on others. Maybe next week we can pick up this. We think it's pretty incredible.)

We thank Maria and C.I. for saying yes to Maria's Democracy Now! post being repeated. We like this feature and hope you're passing the word that the headlines are available in text and audio.

We have a half-assed "Dear Third Estate Sunday Review." Half-assed because only half was saved and when we completed it, we immediately attempted to post. Guess what? Yep, lost another one.

We've had questions about A Winding Road and Folding Star. We have no answers. But we did explore the topic of shutting down a blog, of blogs and other issues. We hope Folding Star is fine and if there's a return to blogging, great. We're keeping up the link for now.

Calm down, there's a review by Ava and C.I. They're addressing Summerland and Two and a Half Men.

And we have an editorial ("Head On Home") that we hope you enjoy. Next week, we intend to do the book reviews and other things. If problems with the Blogger program persist; however, we may do an editorial, a TV review and make it a best of edition.

We thank everyone for their help. And we'll start with Dallas because Ava points out that too often we forget to say thank you to Dallas. Dallas hunts down our links. Without his help, we'd be a nice print edition (we do a print edition for our campus) but not much to offer on the internet. So thank you to Dallas.

We'll say thank you to everyone who helped out. That's not saying, "Yeah, I like it." That's rolling up their sleeves. Discussing, debating, tossing out lines and changing lines. The crew this go round was Kat, Betty, Rebecca and Mike. Thank you.

Ava and C.I. did the TV review (as always). And we thank our honorary member C.I. who always helps out, always hangs in there. That's not an easy task because when we're winding down, C.I.'s still got a site called The Common Ills, maybe you heard of it?, where posts need to go up. If it weren't for problems with the Blogger program, we would have all been asleep at a semi-decent hour.

We're all tired of it. Betty takes a nap to stay up and help. She drags through Sundays. Mike's cool with it but he's not had time to burn out on these all night sessions. But with the exception of Jim, we think everyone else is down to the filter. (You thought we'd say wick, right? We're not that obvious!) Which is why if the nonsense with Blogger losing our posts starts up again next weekend, we'll do a best of edition to give everyone time to get some sleep.

We hope there's something here to make you think or make you laugh or make you mad.

And we're sorry about the loss of "Five Books, Five Minutes." Especially since Ava and Jess went through the e-mails for book suggestions, composed of list of your suggested books and then we all picked five from it. Those books are not being forgotten. We'll address them next week.

-- Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess and Ava