Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Books (Trina, Kat, Ava and C.I.)



We're attempting to again increase book coverage in the community.  Kat's "Travis Stewart's bad book supposedly on Stevie Nicks" went up last week and Trina's "Austin Breakfast Tacos: The Story of the Most Important Taco of the Day" went up Saturday.  Both were books you read via AMAZON's KINDLE UNLIMATED.  Thoughts on that service first.


 Kat: I am glad that they update their content but I seriously object to content that is nothing but WIKIPEDIA.  I question the use of that nonsense.  When you're reading a 'book' that's nothing but copy and past from WIKIPEDIA and, sadly, too  much of it is.

Trina: I would agree that the quality is often lacking.  Again, we have a full house at my place and between the kids, the grandkids, my husband and myself, KINDLE UNLIMITED is a good option.  We aren't wasting our money.  If you were doing it just for yourself, I'm not sure that you would get your money's worth.



Trina: I do.  It's a really great cookbook.  First, breakfast taco recipes.  They are a ton of them.  There are complicated ones and simple ones, there are recipes that use multiple ingredients are as little as three -- bean, cheese and tortilla, for example.  The bulk of the people sharing in the book grasp what Anne Lappe didn't as she offered frou-frou nonsense in her bad version of her mother's DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET.  Second, it also works as a history book.  You're getting the history of how breakfast tacos were scorned by many in Austin when they first show up but the taste wins everyone over.  You're getting the history of how the makers grew in Austin -- in many cases, we're looking at generations of a family.  Third, there are all these tips, as people share their stories, that you use to vary your tortillas.  It's just a really great book.  It's a joy to read.


Kat: Apparently, it's not a prerequisite, in the digital age, to have any knowledge of the subject in order to write a biography.  Travis Stewart knows very little about Stevie.  He doesn't know the lyrics to her songs -- which he repeatedly gets wrong, especially with regards to "Rhiannon."  He thinks RUMOURS -- their album that sold over 40 million copies -- came out in 1975 and that they recorded their most successful selling album after RUMOURS.  He can't even get song titles right.  That includes, shockingly, "Gold Dust Woman."  It's right there in the title of his book and he gets it right there.  But in chapters, he repeatedly and wrongly calls it "Gold Dust Lady."  This is the worst book.  I don't get how you write a book on someone and know so damn little or how you write this and think it's worthy of publication.  If it had depended upon an actual printing press back in the pre-digital age, no one would have published it because there are just so many inaccuracies.


Trina, there was a recipe from the book you were going to share here.


Trina: Yes, Jess is a vegetarian so I thought I'd go with a vegetarian recipe.   Let me note that nopales are cactus pads. You can buy them in most groceries and any decent mercado in the area will have them for sure.  Here's the recipe:


1/2 ounce of each of your favorite fresh vegetables (for this recipe, it includes nopales, mushrooms and tomatoes)

1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil

2 eggs

Corn tortilla

Before making the taco, boil the nopales in water with a little bit of salt for about three minutes.  You can cut the nopales in small pieces or leave them whole.  At Papalote, we like to cut them before cooking.  Once the nopales are soft, place them under cool water and drain.  Then, beat the 2 eggs and pour them on a hot griddle with oil.  All all the vegetables and mix with the eggs for about 30 to 45 seconds.  Meanwhile, heat the corn tortilla on the griddle until it is soft and warm.  Once ready, wrap the eggs in a taco.


 Thank you.  Kat, a Stevie's fan reading this and they're thinking, "Great.  I wanted to read a book about Stevie but now I know this one isn't worth reading."  Do you have a book you'd recommend?

Kat:  Yes.  Stephen Davis' GOLD DUST WOMAN: STEVIE NICKS.  It's well written, it's factual.  If you want a book on Stevie, that's where to go.


Previous book discussions this year.

"Books (Marcia, Ann and C.I.)," "Books (Ruth, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Isaiah, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Mike, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Kat, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Marcia, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Trina, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Rebecca, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Isaiah, Kat, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Stan, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Kat, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Marcia, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Ann, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Trina, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Marcia, Ava and C.I.)" and "Books (Ava and C.I.)."