Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Open letter to the corporate media

Dear members of the US press corps, 
How's that molly coddling working out for you?

You've preened like proud parents over elected Democrats for the last years and how is that working out for you?

Oh, sorry, you've preened over some Democrats. You know the ones, center-right, neoliberals. Let an AOC emerge or even a Tulsi Gabbard and you lose your collective heads. You boo and you hiss. But let an abject failure of We The People come along, like Nancy Pelosi, and you can't stop oohing and awing. It's so bad that you're fogging up the outside glass of the incubator you placed her in. 

She's been outlandish forever and a day but she does nothing of value. Nothing for real people, working people, anyway. She helps the corporations. She's real good about that -- look at the Covid bill she got behind. But that same bill did nothing for We The People. $1,200? A one time payment that's long gone.

She's a lousy politician because she never did anything but raise money. Nance didn't lead any marches. Nance didn't take part in a sit-in.

Grasp that.

Grasp that she was born in 1940. That means she was a young adult during Vietnam, the Civil Rights Movement and the launch of the second wave of the feminist movement. And our 'left' Nancy somehow didn't have anything to stand up for. We're reminded of Rhonda Weiss and her reaction to the potential ban of saccharine:

Up until now, I never really felt the need to protest. I mean nothing in the sixties really bothered me. None of the guys I knew went to Vietnam. They all went to law school. 


But the thing there is? (A) It's a comedy skit featuring the hilarious Gilda Radner and she's trying to be funny. And (B) even Rhonda found something to finally protest. 

Nancy Pelosi never did.

She is ruthless when it comes to her own power. For example, she got opposition research on her opponents for Minority Leader in 2002 and used it to force them out -- including one House Rep who threw a party for volunteers and 18 and 19 year-olds were photographed drinking though they were underage. Of course, we should note that it's not work that she herself did. The actual research was farmed off and paid for. Nance only delivered the threats -- something she's always enjoyed doing herself.

That's how she got to be Minority Leader and then later Speaker of the House. Somehow, all of her schemes and scams never made the press. When Rahm Emanuel was Democratic Caucus Chair, he ran a lot of interference for her -- usually by schmoozing the press, not by bullying. Rahm is the dream candidate of the corporate press but he also knew how to use a light touch.

Nancy's never had a light touch. Ask the editorial board of THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE and they can tell you all about it. She's also not good at taking responsibility (ask the same board about how many times she blamed the failure of everyone of her promises on then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid).

She was humored back then.

These days, she's pampered and, as a result, she's turned into a spoiled brat.

Back in April, questioned by CNN's Jake Tapper, Nancy whined, "Just calm down." He was asking about COVID legislation. That tantrum was preceded by the one she threw on air with Jake Tapper when he asked about impeachment. She huffed, "Can we not have anymore questions about impeachment." The problem there included it was December 5, 2019 -- the same day she held a press conference on impeachment (stating she would push members of the House to vote to proceed). She's just a spoiled rotten child -- as out of control as Donald Trump. That was the press conference, please remember, when reporter James Rosen (SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP) asked her if she hated Donald Trump. She nearly spat out her reply, "I don't hate anybody. I was raised in a Catholic house, we don't hate anybody, not anybody in the world."

Apparently Nance missed the whole Northern Ireland issue, as well as the persecution of Pentecostals in 1935 and the 2015 apology by Pope Francis for the persecution of a small Christian church during the 12th century, as well as -- oh, you get the idea.

History, for Nancy, isn't what happened, it's what she says happened.

"Don't mess with me," Nancy threatened Rosen.

She's out of control and has been for some time. Blame yourselves, members of the press, for acting like overindulgent parents who refuse to set boundaries. The sole exception being CBS NEWS' Gayle King who called Nancy out last month for her "egregious language."

Yesterday, Nancy went off on CNN's Wolf Blitzer It was not an attractive moment for her. It was something more along the lines of what we expect from Bill O'Reilly when Terri Gross had him on FRESH AIR a few years back. He asked about the lack of another stimulus, "Many Americans are waiting in food lines for the first time in their lives. Can you look them in the eye, Madam Speaker, and explain why you don't want to accept the president's latest stimulus offer?" She refused to answer and sputtered on about how Republicans "don't really want to meet the needs of the American people," and Democrats, according to Nance, are no better judging by her remarks about Andrew Yang and Ro Khanna, "They have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here."

At her bitchiest, when she out-bitches even Keith Olbermann, she insisted, "What makes me amused -- if it weren't so sad -- is how you all think that you know more about the suffering of the American people than those of us who are elected by them to represent them at the table."

Nancy hasn't been representing her constituents for years. Maybe that's why she was such an ass to Wolf?  Echoing the nonsense of her 'clap' at the State of the Union, Nancy snarled at Wolf, "Thank you for your sensitivity to our constituents' needs." She them began screaming, "We feed them! We feed them!" 

Is it time to point out that Nancy is 80-years-old? Or that Harry Reid is 80-years-old now and retired when he was 77? Hint, hint, Nancy, hint, hint.

Nancy's out of check and that's because you, the press, have stoked her ego. She's never been an activist in her life and she can't get through a press conference embarrassing herself. This was true in 2007 and it's only more true today. But you have coddled her and the lack of accountability has turned her into a real ass.

This on you,

Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava and C.I. -- all of us, by the way, are Nancy's constituents and, no, she doesn't represent us