Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Editorial: The basics

America is an oil company with an Army ... ask our victims in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, ... and all our future victims US conscience-challenged citizens don't give a crap about.


America is an oil company with an army?

It's a basic statement.  But we get so much distraction and disinformation daily that we often miss the basics.

As Joni Mitchell sings, "In every culture in decline, the watchful ones among the slaves, know all that is genuine will be scorned and conned and cast away" ("Dog Eat Dog").  Culture in decline, empire in decline.  In other falling empires, how long before the people caught on?  Did they believe the lies until the empire fell?

US troops have been in Iraq since March 2003.  They remain in Iraq. 

No, it is not about democracy.

Yes, this continued occupation is about oil.