Sunday, March 03, 2013

Truest statement of the week

Well they are no leader at all and we're beginning, every day, to see that. They have replaced their loyalty for God and serving African-American people to serving President Obama.  Somehow President Obama has rose to mystical -- and I hate to say -- to some divine level in their eyes that he can do no wrong, he can say no wrong, he can do no wrong and everything against him is racism.  It's not true.  It's that the policy in and of itself is evil.  How can the church support him killing?  We don't support anybody killing -- no less the President of the United States.  So the whole question is we have no leadership.  We haven't heard from Jesse on this issue.  We certainly will never hear from Al Sharpton because Al Sharpton is Obama's tight brother.  Al decides who gets to the White House and who does not.  He's the gatekeeper these days.  And so as long as he's never going to say anything wrong  about this president --  largely because of the fact  that Al has had a problem with every major president there ever was other than Obama.  That makes Al a hypocrite.  So there's the NAACP.  Well you can buy the NAACP these days. 

--  Rev. Anthony Edwards speaking with Glen Ford  on Black Agenda Radio (here for that broadcast) which airs on Progressive Radio Network each Monday from 11:00 am to noon EST.