Sunday, June 12, 2011

TV moments that make no sense

Whoopi Goldberg is an Academy Award winning supporting actress who made many, many movies. She now embarrasses herself as a co-host of The View where she attempts to excuse rape as not "rape-rape" and attacks non-friends while defending friends (such as a racist who made racist statements) and, most infamously, storms off stage in the middle of a live broadcast.

May 18, 2009, Whoopi was "Amen"ing guest Jesse Ventura's comments against torture.

While we happen to agree that water boarding and other forms of torture are abuse, illegal and should never be utilized, we didn't make Fatal Beauty.

Though a strong argument can be made that watching that film is, all by itself, torture.


In the film, there's a character she calls "Richard Gere." As a police woman, Whoopi decides to 'question' him and initiates the questioning by shooting him in the ass, having two men string him up for her taking a knife to his crotch and threatening him.

It is these moments that have softened the American people to torture and the next time Whoopi wants to speak out against torture, she needs to take accountability for her part in promoting torture. Until she does, she's just talking crazy on The View.