Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hypocrisy, thy name is vanden Heuvel

Mere weeks ago, we published "On whores and karma (Ava and C.I.)." In that article, Ava and C.I. were noting how ludicrous it was for Katrina vanden Heuvel to whine the way she did:

Not only did she lament "policies that will hurt women" and a lack of "pay equity" she went on to whine, ". . . there's much more attention in our mainstream media to the right wing women. Just as in the same way we've seen the tea party inflated and there's too little attention to the women who are running on peace and justice."


Katrina vanden Heuvel is editor and publisher of The Nation which published 491 men and only 149 women in 2007. And she wants to talk about pay equity? (She certainly doesn't want to talk about how she pays men more for their writing than she does women -- doesn't want to talk about it, but it is true.) And she wants to talk about "policies that will hurt women"? We happen to believe that publishing 491 men in one year but only 149 women is hurting women.

She's upset that the mainstream media is focusing (in her mind) on right wing women and she's whining that it's just like with the tea party. She's editor and publisher of The Nation. Does she want to explain why her publication obsessed over the Tea Party? Does she not understand that those weeks and weeks of five and six pieces at The Nation on the Tea Party didn't go unnoticed by the MSM? Does she not get that the frenzy and moaning and whining by her ilk built the Tea Party?

During all that time, The Nation wasn't covering Donna Edwards or any of the "peace and justice women" Katrina could be barely be bothered with actually naming when she was castigating the MSM for . . . not talking about these women.

"There are so many women who don't get attention," whined Katrina. "Where is the narrative about those women and what they've accomplished?"

Gee, Katrina, where is the attention? You know it's too bad that you don't run a weekly magazine where you could assign stories and bring attention to these women . . .

Oh, wait, she does. She is editor and publisher of The Nation.

We were reminded of that on Friday evening when we checked out The Nation website.

Katrina had castigated the MSM for all their attention on Republican women and the Tea Party and all but beat her chest and pulled her hair out as she lamented, "There are too many women who don't get attention. Where is the narrative about those women and what they've accomplished?"

Good question. But you'll never find the answer at The Nation magazine.

Click on the screen caps below and please find the article on those progressive women that everybody's ignoring.



Uh, you can't, can you? That's because The Nation -- the magazine Katrina controls -- still isn't writing about those women. But we count three features on Sarah Palin and Republican women and another feature on the Tea Party. We also see that Palin is featured on the cover of The Nation.

Sarah Palin is not over the Gulf Disaster, not over the economy, nor in charge of the wars. We would argue that she's become one of the most overexposed people in America. And while some on the left would chuckle, we would then point out that the most intense coverage of Palin continues to come from the left and that it continues to border on a sickness.

Katrina wanted to know why no one reported on the progressive women. Someone pinch her awake and remind her that she's in charge of what The Nation publishes online and in print.