Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Media: The stupid on the right and the stupid on the left will doom us all

"You're not telling us anything we don't know."  So declared Zac and Gavin on the latest VANGUARD as they . . . repeated the points that we've been making for weeks (and made them during Jill's second run for president and at the end of her first run) -- points that they never made before and that went against the last weeks of their pro-Jill Stein propaganda.




But before we get to that, "You're not telling us anything we don't know"?  


You know nothing.  The two of you are online idiots.  You're as bad as MAGA.

Labor Day brought a live broadcast of THE VANGUARD where they talked politics and 'politics' and football and all the other bulls**t that keeps their male fans and their male-identifying fans happy. 

"She is an unlikable person," Gavin declared of AOC.

"She" and "person."  That's the first time "person" was used.  Previously, the boyz were talking about "men" or "men" -- you know, like the men Zac 'polled' while tending bar.  


The whole live broadcast was insane.  

For years now, the boyz have been Briahna Joy Gray groupies.  We find her to be a con artist and a grifter and we've noted that repeatedly.  But they've praised her through the roof.  

The problem?

Bri-Bri noted that Jimmy Dore was right about something.  

This was just too much and the long haired boy had to Tweet to her.  And this led to the meltdown and explosion.

She wanted him out of her mentions and apparently long hair's not used to a woman dismissing him.

Let's be really clear that Bri-Bri had Sabby Sabs on her program and Bri let Sabby lie about Marianne Williamson.  And yet the boys didn't call Bri out.  No matter what she did, they never called her out.  

This was the straw that broke their camel's back?

It can't be noting Jimmy Dore was right because not only have THE VANGUARD boyz noted that in the last six months themselves but Jimmy Dore can be right.

Or could be.  We don't watch him now.  But he was right about Force The Vote.  He's become a transphobe and a grifter.    We don't watch him.  We made an exception when he had Cornel West on.  That interview got a lot of attention.  That interview got a lot of hate hurled Jimmy's way.

We watched that interview and it was a tough interview.  We didn't slam Jimmy for that.  We think interviews should be tough.  We also think that's when Cornel became a real candidate.  He'd been treated like a baby by most -- THE VANGUARD, BREAKING POINTS, most of BLACK POWER MEDIA (now BLACK LIBERATION MEDIA).  Cornel faced serious pushback and it opened his eyes.  He comes alive in that interview and becomes a real candidate.

We're not Jimmy fans (we don't support transphobes). But Jimmy deserves credit for the interview he did.  Saying that doesn't make us grifters so we wouldn't say Bri was a grifter for that statement.  Or that THE VANGUARD was for their previous praise of Jimmy in the last six months.  

So let's get to what really happened: Long hair wanted to call her out and Bri didn't want to play.

So they explode at her in a segment and pretend otherwise.  Long hair even lied that he wasn't trying to put her on the spot.  But that's exactly what he was trying to do.

At the end of the day, does it matter?

In some ways: No.

They spent forever being fan boyz of a person who didn't deserve fan boyz.  She was never the great legal brain they pretended she was.  They fanned boy over her and then they grew disenchanted.  

Is she a grifter?

She may be, she may not be.  We don't watch her.  Why?  Because life is just too short.  If you know someone has nothing to offer, you learn to avoid them.  

And we try to avoid THE VANGUARD for the same reason; however, here they were, in the title of their about to be livestream, going to address Bri-Bri and Jill Stein.

But they really didn't.  They're cowards and they're fools.  Their lack of education is obvious every time that they open their mouths.  

They savaged Bri -- for no good reason.

But they were praising Jill Stein endlessly.

Cornel has made some comments regarding vaccines that have some people calling him out.  That includes THE HUMANIST and is not just THE VANGUARD.

What did he say?

We don't care.  We're not voting for him but we're not attacking him because he's a real candidate.  Do we think he'll win?


But more power to him.  He's not a lunatic and ego maniac the way Jill Stein and Robert F. Kennedy Jr are.  (We're also not attacking Chase Oliver of the Libertarian Party.  He is also a real candidate.)

Zac and Cody (as we love to call Zac and Gavin) want to attack Cornel over vaccine remarks.

And that bothers us because, according to them, they voted for Jill Stein in 2016.  That would be  after she announced her second run for president with that 2015 speech that linked autism to vaccinations.  

Zac and Cody are that stupid.

They wanted you to know that Jill was great.  It was the Green Party.  They wanted you to know that the Greens don't do anything for four years.  They should be building between the elections, they should be doing this and that.  But Jill's great.

If you're as stupid as Zac and Cody, you may be nodding along.  However, many of you have been reading for years and you grasp our long criticism of Jill Stein that goes all the way back to her 2012 run.

Zac and Cody insulted Howie Hawkins who ran as the Green Party's presidential nominee in 2020.  They don't like him but voted for him.  And we're left to wonder why?  They do realize that Howie Hawkins is the only presidential nominee that the Green Party has ever had who did not disappear after the elections, right?

Because he didn't.  He produced content on YOUTUBE at least once a week.  He addressed Green issues and brought on Greens.  In the mid-terms, he brought on Greens running for office around the country.  No one did that.  Cynthia McKinney, after her 2008 run, pursued her education.  Jill disappeared after 2012 and after 2016.  The Greens need to work on building their party -- a point we have long made and one that Zac and Cody made also -- and the only work on that nationally was done by Howie Hawkins after his 2020 run.  (Howie was highlighted by community sites -- including this one -- as he did that work up until he came out in favor of arming Ukraine.  We believe in peace and we stopped noting him.) 

The Green Party is awful, Zac and Cody wanted you to know, but Jill is wonderful.

Uh, Jill is the party.

How do you not grasp that?

If you think the party is awful then you better believe that Jill -- with enough influence to be their party's presidential nominee three times -- is part of that problem.

And it's not the Green Party that's the problem.  It's the national Green Party that's the problem.  And that's where Jill, among others, has way too much influence.

It's not just smart people that call her out, it's thinking people.  But no one can ever accuse Zac and Cody of thought.

There are strong chapters in many states that work on building a Green Party.  And they are stymied by the national Green Party which does have a few -- a very small number -- figures worthy of praise.  It also has a lot of corruption.  

Zac and Cody should be aware of that.  They praised Cornel last year.  They praised him for being the Green Party's presidential nominee.  

Let's repeat that: They praised him for being the Green Party's presidential nominee.

Point of fact, he was never the party's nominee.

Serial plagiarist Chris Hedges set himself and Cornel up for the People's Party's presidential ticket.  Zac and Cody have never told their viewers this story.  Chris was supposed to be on the ticket.  Chris has never told this story either -- it's the kind of lie and failure to disclose that led to THE REAL NEWS NETWORK firing him.  At the last minute, Chris' wife said she didn't want him to run so Chris stepped aside.  The slams Cornel took for running as the People's Party's pick for about one week should have been aimed at Chris as well but people either stayed silent or lied.

Cornel was then told by Chris and by Jill Stein that he could be the Green Party's nominee.

And while he could have been or not, they then presented him as the nominee.

Again, the Green Party is corrupt on the national level and that's the level Jill operates on.

Cornel believed what he was told.  He was genuinely surprised when Green Party members -- rank-and-file -- began objecting to this.  They were rightly outraged.  That wasn't hate for Cornel.  It was their party screwing them over again.  It was a year before their national convention -- where they decide who will be their nominee -- and Jill and Chris were saying Cornel was the nominee. 

That's not how it works.

We told you about this when it was happening -- and we were kept informed by the heads of various state chapters as well as Green Party rank-and-file members.  We told you but Zac and Cody never did.  A little too much work for the doofuses to do.  

But when Cornel finally caught on to what was happening, he announced he was running as an independent.  He did that because he was lied to and because Jill Stein made herself his campaign manager and was trying to turn him into a puppet. 

Did you notice that someone hasn't endorsed Jill, by the way.

Gavin, tell Zac to stop stroking his beard and his chins and pay attention because this is where we drop a little news on you and our readers.  (And, Zac, lonely people touch themselves excessively.  Try to make some friends.)

Where's Chris Hedges' endorsement of Jill Stein?  He's endorsed her in the past.  He hasn't this run.  Why?  Because he's scared to death that Cornel's going to talk -- to talk more.  Cornel's made it very clear that Jill is a liar and that she tried to dupe him.  Chris Hedges, his friend, did the same thing.  And the moment Chris endorses Jill is the moment Cornel is out for blood and outs both of them for what they did.

We've argued he should have done that long ago.

If he does, however, don't expect THE VANGUARD to tell you about it.  As Tracy Chapman could easily sing about them, they "come late, when they come at all."

Idiots and dupes.  On the left, you've got Zac and Cody, attacking Bri as a grifter (we've seen no proof of that but whatever) while praising the ultimate grifter Glenn Greenwald.  In the very episode they trashed Bri in, they praised the transphobic liar Glynneth.

Idiots and dupes on the right?  

MAGA.  They don't raise them any more stupid.  

Donald Trump has been attacking people who served in the US military since he was president.  His campaign recently insulted those who had received the Medal of Honor.  Then last week, there was the  Arlington National Cemetery incident where Donald used the "hallowed ground" for political purposes -- forbidden and earning him a rebuke from both the VFW and the US Army -- and his staff also assaulted an employee who tried to stop the photography and filming from taking place.  Now Donald should have known it was forbidden.  He was president once.  But instead of apologizing, he lied and lied again.  He offered one story after another.

And yet there are MAGAs who are too stupid to grasp what took place and are too scared to call him out for what he did.

They're as stupid as Zac and Gavin.  We'll be kind and end there before we go all in on how much Zac looks like Miss Sassy JD Vance.