Sunday, July 07, 2024

Truest statement of the week

Lord Trump is now, thanks in great part to Supreme Court Judge Alito and his “boy” Uncle Thomas, officially “untouchable” and “above the law” of this fragmented and divided land.
In an unprecedented display of judicial catastrophe, the Supreme Court’s latest term has been nothing short of a cataclysmic train wreck. Within a mere few weeks, the right-wing majority has ravaged the federal government’s powers, championed the Republican assault on voting rights and gun control, swung open the gates for legalized bribery among public officials, and granted Donald Trump a get-out-of-jail-free card for his relentless attempts to subvert democracy and overturn a legitimate election.
And the chaos is far from over.
Brace yourself for even more dubious deeds: expect rulings dropped in the dead of night without a shred of justification, resulting in the relentless erosion of the civil rights of millions of Americans.
May the Gods have mercy on our naive and apathetic asses.
It’s clear most Americans-of-color, and that minority of independently, democratically-inclined minded White folks have vastly misjudged, miscalculated, misread and misconstrued the contempt, animosity and hatred most of mainstream White America (MAGA) harbors for everyone who isn’t them.


-- Desi Cortez, "I'd Sooner Vote For Frosty The Snowman, Mother Nature, or even the Yeti Than See Trump Win" (THE BLACK COMMENTATOR).