Monday, July 22, 2024

Truest statement of the week

After a multitude of Democratic lawmakers, pundits, donors and polling data showcased he would have a difficult chance of winning against Trump again, Biden ultimately determined that the best course of action was to step aside and make way for another candidate — but only after insisting for weeks that he could still mount a successful campaign.

Though calls within the Democratic Party for Biden to step aside ramped up in recent weeks, many progressives advocates and voters had been telling Biden to pull out of the race for months due to his support for Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, which has alienated a significant portion of his base.

Polling demonstrated that, had he remained in the race, Biden would have been one of the most unpopular incumbent presidents to ever run for a second term. It’s not difficult to see why, as the one-term president leaves behind a dismal legacy after half a century of serving in Washington, D.C.

--   Sharon Zhang and Chris Walker, "Joe Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race" (TRUTHOUT).