Tuesday, July 02, 2024

THE NEW YORKER's Zza Zza Zza Remnick thinks someone should retire

Aging socialite David Remnick, Zza Zza Zza to his closest friends, wanted to join a media cry: Joe Biden needs to step aside from the 2024 race for president.  

This led to THE DAILY BEAST's "Why I Told Biden to Quit, by New Yorker’s David Remnick: 'Breakthrough Moment'" by "media reporter" Corbin Bolies.  If you're not getting what a gasbag topic this is, grasp that THE DAILY BEAST has never offered "Why I supported and sold The Iraq War by NEW YORKER's David Remnick."  


Even CRAPAPEDIA makes time to note some of Zza  Zza Zza Remnick's support for the illegal war:


 In 2003, Remnick penned an editorial in The New Yorker in the lead-up to the Iraq War saying "the United States has been wrong, politically and morally, about Iraq more than once in the past... but... a return to a hollow pursuit of containment will be the most dangerous option of all."[17] In the months leading up to the war, the magazine also published several articles connecting Saddam Hussein to al-Qaida, often relying on unnamed sources, or simply the claims of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, as evidence. The magazine received some criticism for their journalism during this period.[18] The claims that Hussein and al-Qaida had a close operational relationship were false, as confirmed by numerous sources including a U.S military study in 2008.[19]


Nor has anyone ever pressed him on his non-stop lies as a 'journalist' -- a pattern began in high school when he would write various articles for the school paper under a long list of fake names.  Or for that matter how he justifies a yearly salary of over a million dollars as THE NEW YORKER struggles to stay afloat?

His salary has allowed him to buy a lot of expensive suits.  Sadly, the suits never fit and don't just swallow him, they also make him look like a model in a seventies TV commercial for the perfume Charlie.

Kind a now, kind of wow . . . if it was 1976.

Which brings up the other issue.   Zza Zza Zza Remnick used to get mileage out of gal-palling it with Sarah Jessica Parker but even she avoids him these days.  Shouldn't he be leaving the magazine?  He's lost his celebrity pals, he's run off readers, he'll be 66 this year and he's been editor since 1998. 

Instead of suggesting Joe Biden should step down, Zza Zza Zza Remnick should be planning his own graceful -- but very belated -- exit.