Wednesday, April 24, 2024

In case you missed it, a former homeland security employee calls Israel "the homeland"

She did it on national television, no less.

Oh, look, former US government employee Samantha Vinograd is calling Israel 'the homeland'

Speaking of CBS . . . 

The ridiculous Samantha Vinograd appeared on CBS' FACE THE NATION today to promote Israel -- she's a US Jew who has some confusion about where she lives as evidenced by her constant references to "the homeland" when she means Israel: "And that's why I don't believe that there is a homeland security nexus to what unfolded last night in the homeland at this time based on sources that I've been speaking with."

There was a time when someone like that would either be balanced by another guest or just not allowed on due to the clear conflict of interest.  

Instead, she was allowed to pontificate endlessly. She's an idiot and one who should never, ever be allowed back in US government because, again, "the homeland" is not Israel -- not in the United States.  Her loyalties are questionable and she brought it on her own damn self.

And shame on CBS for putting that woman on the payroll.  Again, her loyalties are in question.  She clearly did not even realize that she'd referred to Israel as "the homeland."  It's not America's homeland and she's not acting like an American citizen.

How do we end up with the Jonathan Pollard's who betray their own country (the US) to provide classified information to the Israeli government and to spy on us for the Israeli government?  By looking the other way when they make it clear that their 'homeland' isn't the US, it's Israel.  This isn't minor.  A woman who worked for the NSS and Homeland Security went on television today and called Israel "the homeland."  She  should not ever have a security clearance again.