Monday, August 07, 2023

TV: FOX "NEWS" serves up another still-born media creation

Grifter Glenneth Greenwald was on YOUTUBE Friday.  A friend called us because we had spoken to him about a topic we were planning to cover.  Glenneth, he said, was calling out the media over their coverage of Jack Smith who, he insisted, they were trying to glorify.

Smith is the Justice Dept prosecutor that is tackling Donald Trump in court.  And you know Glenneth loveth Donald and MAGA.  So this angers Glenneth.

Our topic was the media as well.  Specifically how FOX "NEWS" was trying yet again to create a media sensation.  They do that repeatedly.  Sometimes they succeed.  They helped sell  Joe The Plumber -- someone who actually wasn't a plumber -- to the country back in 2008.  More recently, they've been all over the freak from the UK Oli London.  The nutcase has ended up being too much for them but Megyn Kelly's still trying to make him happen.  FOX "NEWS"?


They've moved on.  They're now pimping a 'preacher' and trying real hard to make him happen.


Deeply, deeply stupid. That's the only term for 'preacher' Marcus Schroeder.  Are you asking, "Who?"  If so, you're lucky you missed it.  FOX NEWS spent last week repeatedly attempting to turn him into a hero.  So you know, right off, Marcus is a nut job.  The thing about the deeply stupid is, as we've noted before, they never get that they are the stupid.  

Marcus was arrested and we'll get into that in a moment.  But let's note that we're about to go over the speech he gave to the Watertown, WI City Council.  We need to note that, in case you missed it, because when someone wants to impose their so-called 'morality' on others, we feel the need to note basic rules.  For example?  Men remove their hats indoors.  There was no reason to wear that ballcap while addressing the city council.  It was disrespectful and indicates that Marcus -- who wants to tell us all how to live -- was raised without manners.  

Now let's go over what he said -- his remarks will be in bold.

I just wanted to ask you a simple question.  I know, you know, a Nazi group showed up at the event Saturday and people were talking about that.  

The Saturday event was at a park.  It was a permitted event.  Nazis and creeps like Marcus showed up to protest.  Marcus wants to draw a line between himself and the Nazis but there's no line to draw. They're the same as he makes clear in his idiotic comments.

And I just wanted for all of us to really think about this. What's wrong with Nazism?  

Way to win over the crowd?

He will note in a bit that he 'studied' debate and apparently he felt the best way to address the city council was with rhetorical flourishes.

Like, seriously, what's wrong with Nazism? Because imagine for a moment that there is no God above us, no hell below us, no heaven to live for -- as John Lennon wanted us to imagine.

Okay . . .  John Lennon wrote the song with Yoko Ono -- that's been known since before John died and she's had official credit on the song for five years now.  Marcus is a 'pastor' of some kind who honestly looks like a sexually confused young man.

He's completely confused about "Imagine."  John and Yoko wrote:
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky.


There is no line about "no heaven to live for" and there is no line that states "no God above us."  But, hey, Marcus is a liar.

We're sorry but you're the one standing in front of a city council choosing to evoke "Imagine" so it's on you to get the lyrics right.

If we are truly the result of evolved stardust and our ancestors were fish and we're the descendants of monkeys, then where do we find our values as human beings?  

Marcus seems on the verge of tears when he whines about this.  For a moment though, we thought he was going to launch into Joni Mitchell's "Woodstock," singing, "We are stardust, we are golden, We are billion-year-old carbon, and we've got to get ourselves, back to the garden."  Instead, he wanted to utilize his poor grasp of the Socratic method.

What's wrong with Nazism?  Unless if you understand that the God of scripture says that we are made in his image and so to murder innocent people is a violation to God's commands.  As a Christian, I can say that Nazis -- what the Nazis did in Nazi Germany was completely horrific and that they should have been resisted. 

Really?  You want to couch your opinion that the Nazis were "completely horrific" in Christianity?  You are unaware that non-believers, agnostics, Jews and many other non-Christians can also say that the Nazis were "completely horrific"?  We know you're young but how truly uneducated are you?

In fact, that the number one people group that resisted the Nazis were Christians.  

Oh.  You're that uneducated.  

"The number one people group" -- what were the other groups resisting?  Was there a "number one monkey group" or a "number one fish group" resisting?  

You're a 'preacher' which means you're Protestant.  You're not trying to claim that was the number one group, right?  Among the religious openly objecting in Germany to Hitler and his policies, the Catholic Church was first and foremost.  German resistance also included Jews, Jehovah Witnesses, agnostics, atheists, and many more.  You seem to think you're scoring points.  Did high school teach you nothing?

And the -- and the reason why -- the reason why was because they had a worldview that says that people are made in God's image and that they have worth and value.  

What?  They really don't educate well in whatever school he squeaked by in.

Let's talk Socrates since he's attempting to deploy the Socratic method.  Socrates was not a Christian.  Socrates was a philosopher and his work -- like the work of many others -- is in ethics and does not require Christ to address right and wrong.  Plato and Aristotle, students of Socrates, also did not require Christ to delve into issues. There's King Hammurabi who came up with The Code of Hammurabi which he stated was given to him by a Babylonian God name Shamash.   And that was not the first code of laws the Sumerians had was Th Also predating the birth of Christ, Maat.  That was the name of the Egyptian code and also the name of the Goddess of justice.  We could do this all day.

We're sorry that the education system failed you but your ignorance really isn't our problem.

That's why Nazism is wrong. 

Nazism is wrong because it's hate and it calls for hate against people.

You don't grasp that which is why you're basically a Nazi. 

But if we're going to reject the Christian worldview and we can't hold on to the fruit that comes from the Christian worldview while  denying the actual foundation.  

The fruit?  Are you quoting your Galatians again -- 5:22 to 23?  The words you were screaming into a microphone at the park?

Intolerance is an interesting word.  

We're glad you find words interesting -- we just wish you understood a few.

Tolerance, intolerance, hatred, love, bigotry -- things like that.  

Things like that?  Do you see all five words as the same thing or are you just bulls**ting in front of everyone and wasting time?

Because really every culture has something that it's intolerant towards and something that it's tolerant of.  

Is there a point you're trying to make?

I mean there are things like murder and rape and-and you know stealing and just crimes that we are intolerant towards as a society.  

And-and we know.  And, sorry, but you still don't grasp that codes of law exist without Christianity. 

And-and so every society something that's intolerant towards.  The question is just what is our object of intolerance and what is our object of tolerance. 

That's your question anyway.

When I showed up Saturday, all I did was read from scripture on the sidewalk.  

You have the nerve to lecture us about your so-called morals and then you lie.  You didn't just "read from scripture on the sidewalk."

You went to a park where an event was being held to protest it.  You protested it with Nazis.  Now you drew a line between yourself and the Nazis but you're not God.  You don't get to make all the calls.

I read from the Bible -- Galatians, and by the way -- I wasn't reading Romans.  I wasn't reading any passage that spoke against homosexuality or anything like that.  I was reading a passage from the Bible about love and I was arrested.  

You were arrested. 

You were arrested for disturbing the peace.

No reason, not giving any warning, not told anything about my amplification need to be turning down.  

You broke the law.

You were arrested because you broke the law.

Here's a teachable moment for you: Ignorantia juris non excusat.  

Still on board with us?  That's Latin and it means "Ignorance is no excuse" as in -- long standing legal principal -- ignorance of the law is no excuse.

You still don't get what you did.  Or if you do get it, you're more vested in lying.

You disturbed the peace.  A realtor a street over was among the people complaining about you and the noise you were making -- she was showing a property and her clients were appalled by the noise -- and, so sorry, Marcus, they also weren't Christian. They were Jewish and they were bothered by your loudness and by your content.  That was not the only noise complaint against you specifically.  

There is a reason you're not supposed to be using amplification.  You broke the law.

You can spin it all you want but don't present yourself as so moral and such a great Christian when you're lying.

You broke the law, people complained to the police and they came out and did their job.  

Or do you also not understand how the police work?

I was arrested and taken into custody simply for reading the Bible on the sidewalk.  

No.  You were arrested for disturbing the peace.

Again, a realtor feels you screwed her out of a commission. You messed with her livelihood.  How about apologizing for that?  How about taking some accountability?  How about apologizing for lying about the police officers who, again, were just doing their job.

You brought this all on yourself and put people out with your loudness.  

It may not seem like anything to you but, we're guessing, you don't own a home in the area. 

You see, as we become more and more tolerant of sexual immorality in our culture, we've become more and more intolerant towards Christian morality, the more we're going to see lawlessness in our streets. The more we become intolerant of Christian morality, the more we're going to see Nazis, the more we're going to see people who don't hold to a Christian worldview, who think that everybody is a result of animals and, therefore, if we're all animals, then why can't we just act like animals?  

You sound like a hate merchant because that's what you are.  Doesn't your Bible say "Judge not lest ye be judged"?  

Matthew 7, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." 

Clear enough for you?

You are not God and you are not to sit in judgment of others -- even you should be able to grasp that.

You sure like to site Christianity when you want to hide behind it but we don't see you practicing any of it. 

We were called the hate group.  

You are a hate group of one.  Who is this "we"?  You and the Nazis?  That's the other thing.

Along with toying with Christianity -- as opposed to practicing it -- you also lack all common sense.

When you see a group of Nazis yelling at people, you need to walk away.  

If you want to stand up to them, great.  But you don't come across as brave.  So when you saw the Nazis protesting the same group of people you were attacking, you should have left.  You're an idiot to stay there.

The police do not have time to go through and identify every whack job disturbing the peace at a park.  They were going to speak to you because you were the one making the most noise.  By choosing to participate in a protest with a hate group -- that's what you did, stop lying unless you're trying to go to hell -- you caused all these problems.

You've been coddled and over-indulged your whole life.  That's clear, that's very, very clear.  

You broke the law and you ruined the day for the people at the park and the people around the park.  You refuse to cop to that, you refuse to take responsibility.

Don't lecture anyone else, you need to take a look at your own damn self.

We were told that we don't want to understand the other side and I just want to set the record straight. I am more than happy to have that conversation with the other side.  I did speech and debate throughout high school and one of the things we were taught in debate is that you can't make an argument for your side until you're able to make the argument for the other side.  I've sat down and had hours of discussions with LGBTQ activists. I completely understand the other side.

Nothing you said in your prepared remarks to the city council indicate that you have ever in your life "completely" understood anything.

I want to understand the other side but drag queens twerking on kids in lingerie is unacceptable.  And that's something that we have to notice as a culture.  We can have our disagreements.  But there comes a time when we have to understand that we are all going to stand before God one day and we're going to have to give an account for what we have done with the children in our society -- the innocent minds and the children who deserve to be protected.  

Are you a pervert, Marcus?  We ask because of your obsession with kids.  We seriously ask that. Now we never bought into the idea that a man (Ted) in his 20s would be desperately trying to get married (HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER) and, in fact, thought that would kill the series early on.  So we can be wrong.  But just as we found Ted's behavior unnatural, we find your obsession with children to be unnatural as well.

We also, quite frankly, find it intrusive.  These aren't your children.  You are not their parent.  Their parent/guardian has the legal right to take them where they want to.  It's honestly not your business -- that's true in the Bible and it's true in real life.  

So you're bothered by "drag queen twerking on kids in lingerie," are you?  How many kids were wearing lingerie, Marcus?  

Oh, we forgot, you're the debate expert who doesn't know how to speak like a grown up.  You meant to say, "drag queens in lingerie twerking on kids is unacceptable" -- is that it?

If so, then is it okay for them to twerk on kids if the drag queens are wearing business suits?

Is it the lingerie that bothers you so?

No, we get your point, we're just trying to make it very, very clear that you are not a debate expert, you are not a wise person and you did not make a coherent argument.

You sounded like an idiot -- and you sounded that way because that's what you are.  

Maybe next time, take a breath?

None of this was any of your business.  

And, we have to make this point again, when you saw Nazis present, why did you stay?  We believe strongly in legal abortion.  But if we were rallying outside the Supreme Court for reproductive freedom and a group of Nazis came over, we'd leave immediately.  We don't break bread with Nazis, we don't make nice with them.

That was, please remember, our biggest complaint about a February faux action by some deranged 'leftists' (grifters) who rallied with Nazis.  

What does that say about your character?  That Nazis are present and protesting the same group that you are and you elect to stay and be part of the protest with them?  

You have no character.

You seriously need to grow up.  FOX "NEWS" is not helping you by fawning over you and providing  the one-sided coverage that's supposed to alarm everyone and have them screaming, "Look what they're doing to Christians!"

Being a Christian does not make you above the law.  Being a Christian does not allow you to disturb the peace.  You broke the law and you got arrested.  And you call yourself a 'pastor' and a 'Christian' yet you have failed to apologize to the people you disturbed or to the police officers you continue to lie about.

If that's your idea of Christianity, you're ever sicker than we thought.  But you do have to be sick to get FOX "NEWS" on your side.