Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Send Tara Reade to the front lines!

"But on foreign soil!"  So screeched Diane Sawyer to the Chicks back in 2003 when they appeared on PRIMETIME.  Dianne was appalled about what had been said about Bully Boy Bush (that they weren't happy he was for Texas).  It was a news panic.

Fade out.  Fade in twenty years later.


Tubby Defector Tara Reade is reTweeting, from Russia, Mother Tucker Carlson:

States. But the Biden Administration is spending its time harassing one of our last sincere allies in Europe, Hungary, for the crime of being too Christian. Watch. (Tucker's Speech in Budapest)

Actually, what "the Biden Administration" did was done by US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman who called out the anti-LGBTQ+ shift in Hungary.  That's what Tucker was calling out and, since fatty Tara Reade reTweeted it, that's what she's calling out.

She's alingned herself with racists and transphobe and homophobes.  Never forget that.  

She is no friend to humanity and considering she abandoned her pets -- including her horse -- she's no friend to animals.

Hey, Russia, send Tara to the front lines.  If nothing else, her huge size can act as a shield.


Illustration is Isaiah's The WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Tara asks WWPD -- What Would Putin Do?