Tuesday, August 29, 2023


a park painting 11

This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub, Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.


"Iraq, Ron DeSantis' stolen valor" -- most requested highlight by readers of this site.

"Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "A mini-film festival in Baghdad, look who's meetin...," "MTG and her gal pals,""That desperate MTG is praying someone 'puts a ring on it'," "Marjorie Taylor Greene is surprised (we aren't) at how little she knows," "Lauren Boebert's forced Congressional retirement?," "It really is time to expel Marjorie Taylor Greene," "Groomer Jim Jordan, Looser Doo-Doo Ron Ron DeSantis," "Philomena Cunk is hilarious, Ron DeSanits is just sad," "The debate," "BURN IT DOWN WITH KIM BROWN, THE MAJORITY REPORT, Doo-Doo Ron Ron DeSantis," "Blowhard Doo-Doo Ron Ron DeSantis," "Creepy Matt Taibbi is Uncle Fester," "Sewers and backstabbers," "Lauri Carleton," "The climate the hate merchants created," "The hate merchants are poisoning the country," "He's got a friend," "It's really not the House's job to interfere with ongoing legal cases," "David Jacobs," "Ay-yi-yi, we didn't need Harrison William Prescott Floyd," "Maureen McCormick is right," "She's no star," "Could you survive what they're living through?," "lara trump's done some thinking," "once we had a democracy," "Shonda Rhimes' SCANDAL: TRUMP EDITION "The Booking" episode," "Viola Davis directs the latest episode of SCANDAL: DONALD TRUMP EDITION,"  "Shonda Rhimes' SCANDAL: TRUMP EDITION as Rudy G surrenders," "A dramatic twist at the end of today's SCANDAL: DONALD TRUMP EDITION," "Science post -- China pulling ahead in tech knowledge, the remains of a supernova, India's historic first on the Moon," "The attack on history is an attack on reality and who we are," "Science post -- phytoplankton, Dracula and a hidden Biblical text?," "That illegitimate Supreme Court is set to do more harm," "Who would have guessed?," "What stimulus?,"  "Is Riley Gaines so butt-ugly because she's so ugly on the inside?," "Riley Gaines looks like a man and sounds like a big fat fibber," "Sorry, Ugly Riley Gaines, 2022 won't go away so you can lie yet again" and "THIS JUST IN! DAILY CALLER AND RILEY GAINES LIE TO REWRITE HISTORY!" -- news coverage in the community.



"Worst summer read ever is by Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince" and "'the fondas: henry, jane and peter' is a very bad book" -- Marcia and Rebecca review a book.


 "Kat's Korner: Joni (live) at Newport" -- Kat's latest album review.


"Joni Mitchell and Debbie Harry," "Depeche Mode, Lauryn Hill, The Fugees, Norah Jones, Cut Worms" and "Noel Gallagher, Chicago, Mary J. Blige, Jessi Colter, Waylon Jennings, Stevie Nicks" -- music coverage in the community.



"SCREEN RANT can't stop lying,"  "Cancel? How about just go to your room and don't come out?," "Does the performer have any responsibility?," "Now they're trying to spin for BLUE BEETLE," "Weekend box office," "that's not 'frasier'" and "kevin sorbo whines and whines" -- TV and movie coverage in the community.


"Sweet and Spicy Chicken in the Kitchen," "Pigs in the Blanket in the Kitchen," "Potato Salad with Green Beans and Salsa Verde," "SKIPPY® Peanut Noodles in the Kitchen" and "Meat and Potato Patties in the Kitchen" -- Trina serves up five recipes.