Monday, July 31, 2023

Truest statement of the week

Sometimes called America’s dumbest senator, Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., may not know much, but he does know that he is fine with white nationalists in the military and stands with them.

On Monday, while speaking with Kaitlan Collins on CNN’s “The Source,” Tuberville said he’s against racism but is fine with white nationalists in the armed services. “My opinion of a white nationalist -- if somebody wants to call them a white nationalist --  to me, it is an American,” Tuberville said. “Now, if that white nationalist is a racist, I’m totally against anything that they want to do. Because I am 110% against racism.”

Later, Tuberville conflated white nationalists with white people in general. “So, if you’re going to do away with most white people in this country out of the military, we got huge problems,” he said, adding. “There is nobody more military than me.”


-- David A. Love, "Tommy Tuberville's White Nationalist Comments Are a Reminder That The Military Has a White Nationalist Problem" (THE BLACK COMMENTATOR).