Tuesday, March 07, 2023

BLOGGER/BLOGSPOT can't stop censoring

Blogger/Blogspot has had a lot of criticism over the years.  We've stayed with it.  We may not be with it for much longer.  They've censored Kat . . .  Wait.  Let's stop for a moment.  Their current censorship is based on attacks on websites.  People don't like what it says, they file a false complaint and your post gets censored.  

Kat had a post censored and appealed it.  Once they read it, they allowed it to go back up.  Rebecca has had four pulled.  She doesn't care about appealing.  Now Stan's had one pulled.  

It's nonsense and it's bulls**t.  Blogger needs to get their damn act together.

If you're wondering what we're talking about, below is Stan's post that got censored over the weekend.  It went up in 2009.  Over the weekend, it was censored for 'violating community standards.'  Read it and find where it violates one damn thing.  It doesn't.  We're not opposed to pulling out of Blogger.


ADDED: BLOGGER just pulled this post minutes after it went up.  We're removing Stan's post but providing a link to it here -- it's at the backup site for THE COMMON ILLS at WORD PRESS.  Read it and grasp how BLOGGER doesn't want you to know what's going on.