Monday, January 30, 2023

Books (Ann, Ava and C.I.)




Last week, Ann's "Phyllis Diller 1917 – 2012: News, Quotes, Interview" went up and we're talking to her about the book.  The author is Almanzo Wilder Jr.  You didn't recommend the book.


 Ann: No, I don't.  It's a glorified WIKIPEDIA entry that's been teased out and called a 'book.' 


Explain Phyllis and the book, as it is, to us.

Ann: Sure.  Phyllis Diller was a stand up comic.  One of the first female ones to have a media career.  She wasn't the first. Lawanda Page, for example, may have started at the same time -- when Lawanda began her stand up career is not exactly clear, by the 60s, however, she was recording comedy albums.  She became famous as Aunt Esther on the sitcom SANFORD & SON.  Moms Mabley certainly pre-dates her and Moms wasn't only a female comedian in the 1920s, she was also an African-American one and an openly lesbian one.  Phyllis didn't have to do the so-called "Chitlin circuit."  She was able to progress rather quickly from cabaret to TV.  Phyllis was funny and stood out from the other -- mainly male -- comedians because of her voice.  She'd do voice work in some animated films later on but that voice was made for animation because it stands out and you never forget it.   Phyllis crafted a persona that really took off.  Most of that is not addressed or acknowledged in the so-called book.

 The title implies that there are three parts.

Ann: There are five.  There's the so-called biography part.  Which I guess is news.  Then there's a chapter that produces celebrity Tweets noting Phyllis Diller's passing. Then we get quotes -- which are jokes Phyllis told.  Then we get an interview -- not a great one -- that someone conducted with Phyllis (someone, not the author of the 'book') and then we get a filmography chapter which the author at last credits to WIKIPEDIA.  Phyllis deserved a better book.

So that's a hard no on recommending it to others.

Ann: They can save time and skip the book and just go to Phyllis' WIKIPEDIA page.

Good to know.  Thank you for discussing the book with us.