Monday, December 19, 2022

The hypocrisy and stupidity of THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER

Marcia takes on the idiots:

Washington Examiner is against concussions -- if it involves transgendered persons

We so dainty, say the pigs at Washington Examiner.  Tom Joyce has his panties in an uproar:

video from last month’s Team Trans Ice Hockey draft resurfaced this week and revealed that a transgender woman (a man) gave a transgender man (a woman) a concussion-inducing hit during one of the games. The transgender man (woman) was carried off the ice on a stretcher and transported to a local hospital.

Interestingly, the NHL, which supported the tournament, did not mention this happening.

[. . .]

The media outlets that covered the tournament at the time, including NHL.comHockey News magazine, and Vice, also ignored this incident.

That’s most likely because it doesn’t fit the liberal, pro-transgender narrative. The game proved what rational people already knew: Men should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports.

Oh no!  Concussion!!!!  Men never have concussions in hockey games!!!!  Except they do.  They account for 15% to 30% of all hockey related injuries.  

If an adult wants to play, they should play.   Otherwise?  I guess we'll outlaw hockey.  And, right behind that, women's soccer because that's the sport with the highest rate of concussions for females.

Tom Joyce has demonstrated nothing except that he'll write up anything on a tear -- without looking at the facts -- because it makes him feel less impotent.

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot;'