Monday, November 07, 2022

Joe Biden jokes?

Rebecca found them and here they are from her post last week:

joe biden jokes

did you know there were joe biden jokes?  i did not. i remember a paperback of jimmy carter jokes and then 1 of ronald reagan jokes.  they'd sell them in grocery stores, gas stations and book stores.  i did not know there were joe biden jokes.

i guess that really indicts our late night comedians and 'saturday night live.'  but here are some joe biden jokes from the comment section of a report at 'the new york post' about joe:

Jill and Joe Biden go to a steakhouse for dinner. Jill says, I will have filet medium rare with a baked potato with sour cream and butter. The waiter asks, “What about your vegetable?” Jill replies, “Oh, he will have the same.”

NPR Fact check: Biden says he ‘spoke to’ doctor who ‘invented’ insulin. Results: half True...Biden is possibly half way into afterlife, so he may actually be talkin to Sir Frederick G Banting.

When Biden heard that Trump had set tariffs on China and Aluminum - “I have heard of China, but what continents is Aluminum on ?”

“It was invented by a man who did not patent it because he wanted it available for everyone. I spoke to him, OK?” Biden claimed. "Yesterday in fact. I spoke to Dr. Frederick Banting yesterday, OK." "He was in the audience, I called out to him, Fred, Fred, where are you Fred. "Fred, are you here? Where's Fred? I didn’t think he was – he wasn’t going to be here," Biden said. The White House has confirmed that Dr Frederick Banting was "top of mind".

“My name is Joe Biden and I forgot this message”

A man in front of the White House yelling repeatedly “The President is an IDIOT “ Capitol Police surround him and handcuff him. They say “it is illegal to insult President Biden” He says “You don’t understand I mean Trump. He is the one I was insulting “ The police captain says “You can’t fool us. Everyone knows who the idiot is”

Biden loses yet another battle in the dementia war.

Joe Biden is very proud of Hunter. . All these women confessing to having sex and smoking crack with Hunter, and none of them are his sister Ashley.


Joe Biden wobbles into a Catholic Church, sits down in the confessional booth, but doesn't utter a word. The Priest coughs, hoping to get a response. But Biden just sits and says nothing. Finally the Priest raps his knuckles three times on the screen. Biden says “Don’t bother knocking man. There’s no TP over here either.”

Joe Biden was endorsed by the Wu-Tang Clan for 2020. When he heard that, Joe bowed in appreciation and said he looks forward to working with China.

let's close with c.i.'s 'Iraq snapshot:'