Monday, October 17, 2022

Another bad DISNEY+ MARVEL series

NETFLIX made it look so easy.  You hire talented people, they tell a great story and, BOOM!, you've got a great MARVEL series.

Then along comes DISNEY+ -- a 'magical' land built by a Jew-hater and its rotten foundation is more than showing these days.  

THE LIFES AND LOVES OF A SHE-HULK is on the latest garbage to show up on DISNEY+.

Again, it shouldn't be this way.  When NETFLIX had control of MARVEL properties it made classics like DAREDEVIL, JESSICA JONES, LUKE CAGE, IRON FIST and THE DEFENDERS.  

DISNEY+ takes interesting characters, waters them down and adds a 'twist' -- oh, look, she's talking to the camera1 -- and wrongly believes that they've made satisfying entertainment.

The only DISNEY+ MARVEL series that works and entertains is THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER.  WANDAVISION and SHE-HULK and other garbage want to be something other than superhero shows.  It's the only genre selling so they try to slip other things inside it and end up satisfying no one.  

It's post this or post that.  It's garbage and it's trash and has nothing to do with the shows' comic book roots.  It's long past time that comic book fans rise up against this nonsense.