Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Marcia weighs in on Olivia Wilde


Olivia Wilde, shut up

Can Olivia Wilde shut up?

I mean, I get it, she's from a busybody family of trash.  Laura Flanders is her aunt.  Stephanie Flanders is related to her as well.  The 'journalist' Patrick Cockburn (propagandist) is related to her as well.  The only  one in her family I had any respect for was Alexander Cockburn.  He's dead.

She is career wise but nobody wants to tell her.

She thought she was going to be a star.  And, yes, C.I. did get her nixed for a few roles. But it was easy to do when she failed at every acting opportunity she had and due to her age.  With no stardom in sight, she's now grabbed on to directing.

She was slamming Shia LeBeouf this week and claiming he was fired from her movie (he wasn't) and that she didn't allow the kind of trouble he causes -- no, not on her productions.  Her productions?  She's directed two feature films.  The first one bombed (BOOK SMART).  Her new one is DON'T WORRY DARLING and it hasn't come out yet.  Her productions?

Cake on some more make up, lady, you're not fooling anyone about your age or with your talent.

She really needs to stay out of Shia's business.  If Will Smith's in a slapping mood again, he should slap her and tell her to keep Shia's name out of her mouth.

I am so sick of this pompous, middle-aged freak.

Take your whine wagon somewhere else.

"Vicious."  It was the most vicious thing ever, whine, whine.  That was also Priss Wilde this week.  Jason Sudekis served her with custody papers while she was promoting her film.  The most vicious thing ever.

Just shut up.  No, it's not the most vicious thing.  She is a spoiled brat who needs to grow up.  I would love for her to make that most vicious claim in front of Judge Judy and watch Judy rip her a new one. 

I feel sorry for Harry Styles because he's dating her.  Poor Harry.  I've never wished someone was in the closet before, but I do now.  I'd love it if Olivia were just the beard.  It's awful to think of Harry having to put up with her. 

Even worse, what the pillow looks like the next day.  That woman cakes on make up.  Her pillows and towels must be filthy all the time.


Before any idiot wants to e-mail me that Laura Flanders is my friend, she's a self-loathing lesbian.  I don't have time for her.  In 2008, Barack Obama put homophobes on stage at his campaign events.  Laura endorsed him.  She didn't bat an eye.  He promoted conversion 'therapy.'  Laura didn't say boo.  Bitch can go f**k herself. 

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"