Monday, September 12, 2022



Remember when Kamala Harris, in a debate, called Joe Biden out on busing?  She was right to do so.

And we're seeing busing, as an issue, yet again.

And we're seeing a racist response to it, yet again.

Oh, poor DC, is it testing your community resources this influx (from Texas) of immigrants?  Suck it up, butter cup.  You're part of the US.  It's really easy to say you're pro-immigration when you're not a border state.  

What we're seeing is the reality that non-border states don't want immigrants.  They expect border states to deal with them but they don't want to deal themselves.  Too bad.  Read the inscription on the Statue of Liberty.  As long as it's in New York Harbor, we need to follow the motto "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The Wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

We agree with Ann who's noted that Iowa is one of the most Anglo-White states in the country.  And yet it expects to go first for the caucus each presidential election year.  We need to be steering newly arrived immigrants to Iowa.  And to other states as well.  We believe in open borders, we are pro-immigration but, sorry DC and Chicago and you other whiners, we are also of the belief that newly arrived citizens need to be dispersed throughout the country and not just in, for example,  Florida, Texas and California.  

If we're in this as a country, then we are in this country.  But if we were really in this as a country, you wouldn't see states with such a lily White composition as, for example, Montana and Iowa.