Tuesday, August 02, 2022

What if?

We like US House Rep Linda Sanchez, so maybe we aren't taking 'the incident' seriously enough.  Asher Notheis (THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER) reported:

Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) said she flipped off the GOP dugout Thursday night because she heard an offensive comment and reacted "in the heat of the moment."

Sanchez, who described the Congressional Baseball Game as a time for politicians of both parties to come together for a night, said when she heard an "offensive and misogynistic" comment from the Republican side, it "really struck a nerve," according to a statement obtained by the Daily Caller.

"I have no tolerance for men who make women feel like they are unimportant or don't belong — especially on the field," Sanchez's statement read. "I will always stand against that kind of bigotry."

That's what happened.  Again, others may be upset.  But it didn't bother us and we started wondering what would?

If Linda Sanchez was walking into a Ways and Means Committee hearing and hollered, "Hey, Tom Rice, I got your oversight right here!" while flipping him off, would we be bothered?

We know we would laugh out loud if she was seated and speaking to Vern Buchanan while stroking the side of one face with a middle finger.  

It would be funny and kind of adorable -- like those Haribo Gummy Bear commercials.