Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Non-Beatitudes on Gratitude

Gratitude -- too often overlooked.  Due to time or self-ishness or what have you, we really do not give thanks the way we should.

One thing we should all be thankful is the way Brian Stelter elected to go out on his CNN program on Sunday.  Throwing a huge hissy fit, he called out his bosses on air.  Now most of the time, we'd look the other way and hope a parent will show up and handle the unruly brat.  But we loved watching Brian Stelter throw his tantrum.

Want to know why?

You saw it, we saw it, future employers saw it which makes it all the more difficult for Stelter to end up on the air again -- at least on any credible outlet.  Would you hire him and put him on air knowing now that the way he plans to go out is to embarrass the company he had worked for and to trash the bosses?  

Then there's Texas Governor Greg Abbott.  There are two words he will not say -- no, not "love" and "freedom."  He probably won't say those either but we're talking about two words he does known the meaning of but runs from: "Climate change."

We don't think Texans will put up with that kind of ignorance as they see, in the coming years, more and more damage from climate change.  So we are grateful that Greg Abbott is willing to play the fool publicly in full view of everyone so that they can grasp just how uninformed and ignorant someone like that is.  And, hopefully, they'll grasp that the last thing that we need is people like that -- fools like that -- in office.