Wednesday, August 24, 2022

No truth in advertising (Dona)

Do you hate commercials?  

I don't hate them hate them -- in most cases.

But, let me be clear, I will never, ever buy any clothing from H&M active wear.

A few years back, I noted Jane Fonda's WALKOUT and how effective I found it to be.  I kept waiting for an update but haven't found one.  (And to save you time, if you didn't read it, I loved the beginners but loathed the advanced which was more like a dance class despite this being a self-proclaimed walkout.)  So we dropped DISNEY+ -- as Jim is writing about this edition.  And we can add on a new streamer.

When I watch PLUTO lately, and especially during JUDGE JUDY, I see a commercial where Jane Fonda is working out.   

So I assumed Jane had joined with some streaming service and we would have access to her workouts.   I was thrilled.  She was walking.  This would be great.  The company was H&M MOVE.

I made a note -- on a note pad, an actual note, not just a mental one or something in my phone -- and went to check it out.

It's for clothing.

Clothing I don't need.  Walkouts?  I do need.  Now I have noticed some of her workout videos -- mainly from the 80s and 90s -- are on AMAZON PRIME.  But I wanted walking.  

And H&M active wear misled me with the commercial so they can forget me ever buying from them.  If you come across a misleading commercial, I hope you boycott it as well.  Truth in advertising may be a lost cause but I'll treat it as a serious one.