Monday, February 28, 2022

Peacemaker season one finale (Trina)


Peacemaker season one finale

I covered Peacmaker (HBO Max) because Stan couldn't that week and because my grandkids really like the show.  It wrapped up season one this week and Stan suggested I go ahead and grab it.  

So the gang had to defeat the cow -- which turned out to be a massive catepiller.  The butterflies that came to this people -- and took over people -- chose this planet because it had air and water they could consume but it did not have food.  So they transported the cow from their own world.  Without it, they may not be able to live.  (I say may not be because of the final scene.)

Note, there will be spoilers.

John Cena stars as Chris who is the Peacemaker (from The Suicide Squad film).  Danielle Brooks plays Adebayo who is secretaly the mother of Amanda Waller (government official over Suicide Squad and played by Viola Davis in the films and cameo in the first episode of this series and a cameo in the final episode I'm covering right now).  Freddie Stroma plays Adrian who has a secret identity (well, he thinks it's a secret) as Vigilante.  Jennifer Holland plays Harcourt (she's the most experienced government operative now that Clemson is dead).  Rounding out the team is Steve Agree as John Economics.  Chris teases John constantly about his beard and how John must dye it.  That's been a constant between the two since they met on this show.  (I'm bringing that up for a reason.)

So they descend upon the farm where the cow's out and it is, of course, surrounded by butterflies possessing human bodies.  John's the only one who can go through it without raising suspcisions.  So he carries a Peacemaker helmet (which has several bombs in it) in a backpack.  At one point, he gets stopped but he bluffs his way through much to the relief of the others.

He gets in and he sees the cow and nearly freaks out but gets out.  He's stopped by the same guy again.  This time the guy wants to know why the human whose body John is in dyed his beard.

He hits the roof when Chris brings that up so the whole gang is tense wondering if he's about to explode in anger and blow his cover.  Instead, he explains that the human (himself) spent too much time at work and didn't have anyone in his life so he thought dying the beard would make him look younger and might let him find someone.  But it didn't work.  

This is enough for the butterfly asking and John starts to walk off but they find the bomb and go running for him.

 Adebayo is supposed to set off the first bomb but can't because her hands are sweaty from nerves and the detonator slips through her hands and falls somewhere on the ground.  As she looks for it.  the butterflies knock John to the ground and begin pouncing on him.  She finds the detonator and off goes the first bomb causing the butterflies to run towards the barn.

John gets up and makes it back to the gang as  Adebayo detonates another bomb and another.  I believe that there were four in total.

But, though it's done damage, the cow is not destroyed.  

Chris is going to go into the barn (what's left of it) and Vigilante and Harcourt will take on the butterflies in the yard.  Adebayo says she's a trained agent but Harcourt says they need her to stay behind because if they fail she is all they have left.  "What about me?" asks John.

Harcourt and Vigilante do a good job battling the butterflies while Chris heads to the barn.  But they are outnumbered.  Vigilante is shot in the back but we know he's just down, not dead, because of his protective bodysuit.  Harcourt doesn't have a bodysuit.  She gets shot and manages, as she staggers, to shoot and kill the butterfly who shot her.  But then there's another and she's shot and she's down and blood is pouring out of her mouth.

In the barn, Chris encounters the detective that's been pursuing him since the start of the series.  But remember, she's not her anymore.  A butterfly possesses her.  She tells him he will be on their side when he knows the truth.

Adebayo grabs two guns and hits the barnyard, killing butterflies as she makes her way to Harcourt.  Harcourt is bleeding badly.  She tells Adebayo to go into the barn and help Chris.  Otherwise?  The mission was for nothing.

Vigilante is alive.  He comes to and stands up.

In the barn, the butterfly explains why they came to the earth and tells Chris that he has to side with them because what the butterflies did to their own planet, humans are now doing to the Earth.  By sideing with the butteflies, Chris will be saving the world.

Adebayo finds the torpedo helmet of Chris' (not the one with the bombs, this one she didn't know how to work) and puts it on.  When she shows up with it, Chris activates it with his voice and she goes torpedoing into the bottom of the cow.  When she coems back out, covered in slime, the cow is dead.  Chris also tells the butterfly he's sorry but he's got to kill the detective body she's in.

So Chris comes out and finds Harcourt out of it.  They take her to the ER.  Adebayo holds a press conference where she explains that Chris is not a crook, that they planted a diary on him to make it look like he was a killer and more, she explains that he's part of a program that uses convicts and makes them do things to shave time off their sentences.  She explains that Waller is over it and that she knows this because she is Waller's daughter.  That's when Viola Davis pops up for another cameo, she's watching it on TV and is furious.

Harcourt comes to several days later.  She knows Chris has been at her side this whole time and they hold hands.  John returns to his regular job and puts up a frame of hmself with the gang.

We see Chris at his home.  A butterfly is knocking against the glass.  It's the one that was in the detective who was earlier in a glass gar that Chris kept in his home after the senator was killed.  Chris gets some honey and pours it out on the porch and the buttefly consumes it. 

End of season one.  HBO has already announced that there will be a season two (it's their biggest hit of the last three years).

This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" for Friday: