Monday, February 14, 2022

Mike picks the Idiot of the Week

Idiot of the week

First up, Jimmy Dore.





We're returning to Idiot of the Week.  The winner?  Branko Marcetic.  For his latest column

I like Branko which is why his latest is so troubling.  It's pure garbage.  

He's got his dick hard over Tucker Carlson and wants to mushroom stamp himself all over Tucker.   He offers stuff like this:

Carlson currently has a lock not just on Republican viewers, but a surprisingly high number of independents and Democrats, too. This is dangerous, because beyond every other noxious, neoliberal position he holds, Carlson, like Hawley, Douthat, and others on the Right, isn’t actually antiwar — rather, they simply prefer to pointlessly stoke conflict with a different boogeyman in the form of China, and see tensions with Russia as undermining that disastrous boondoggle.


Remember that.  I don't give a f**k about Tucker.  I do give a f**k about standards.  


Branko's calling Tucker out as "dangerous" while praising lunatic Bernie Sanders who is insulting Putin.  Here's Branko on old man Bernie:


Yesterday, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) weighed in on the standoff in Ukraine with the most comprehensive stance he’s taken on the conflict so far. Liberals, progressives, and socialists should all pay attention.

Writing in the Guardian, Sanders places the blame for the crisis firmly at the feet of the “liar and demagogue” Vladimir Putin and his “gang of oligarchs,” but makes clear his unease with the “familiar drumbeats in Washington” and the “simplistic refusal to recognize the complex roots of the tensions in the region.” Pointing to not just the devastating potential of war in the region, but the ruinous ripple effects that even just imposing sanctions would have on ordinary people in Russia and throughout the world, he urges all parties to “work hard to achieve a realistic and mutually agreeable resolution” — starting with taking seriously the “legitimate concerns” in Moscow about NATO’s eastward expansion.

“To put it simply, even if Russia was not ruled by a corrupt authoritarian leader like Vladimir Putin, Russia, like the United States, would still have an interest in the security policies of its neighbors,” Sanders writes. “Does anyone really believe that the United States would not have something to say if, for example, Mexico was to form a military alliance with a US adversary?”


Branko, you stupid f**k.


What old man Sanders is writing is garbage that will encourage war.


How f**king stupid are you, Branko?  Or can you not think when Bernie's got his old man cock down your throat?


You stupid piece of s**t.  


Do you want war?


I don't.  


And when senile Sanders writes that garbage, he's not preventing war, he's encouraging it.


It's a complex issue and most people aren't paying attention.  When Senile Sanders writes that, many will take away, "Oh, even Sanders thinks Putin is evil."  That's the take away.  So, if he's evil, war is okay or at least tolerable.  That's what they're going to take away from that garbage.




And Bernie Sanders has always been an imperialist.  

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"