Monday, February 14, 2022

Kat notes the hypocrite that is David Rovics


Thanks, David Rovics, I needed that laugh

Failed singer-songwriter David Rovics never stops supplying the laughs, read his latest at COUNTERPUNCH.  As usual, it's David so he lies.  There's no way in hell he's in the top 4% of artists played on SPOTIFY.  As usual, he clinbs on the cross in The Pathetic Olympics.  As usual, he uses way too many words and says way too little.

But if you remember his screaming for Joe Rogan's head recently, prepare to chuckle.  The little nothing man who failed in every way possible, lost a Portland gig and you know David's not gettting a lot of work to begin with. 

So he's whining and boo-hooing because he's been cancelled.  That's right.  He's screaming to get Joe Rogan off SPOTIFY at one moment and then the next he's whining that he's been cancelled.

What goes around comes around.  You shouldn't try to censor people.  When you do try to censor someone, don't be surprised when it rolls around back at you.

He babbles on endlessly but, as best as I can tell, he felt the need to interview someone involved in the January 6th riot in some way.  Then he thinks it's so amazing (and maybe it was, I haven't seen it) that he posts it on YOUTUBE.  He then gets people calling him out for his 'association.'  And he apologies and begs for forgiveness and then pulls the video.  

That's not enough.

And now people want him cancelled.

Again, it's hilarious considering he was just going after Joe Rogan.

Closing with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"