Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The devil in Bill Gates

Bill and Melina Gates are in the midst of a high profile divorce. We're not surprised. Bill Gates has always been disgusting.

Microsoft, for those not aware, was in partnership with NBC to create MSNBC. And it spawned hours and hours of hate speech. It's all time low was hiring homophobe Michael Savage to host a hate speech talk show. Bill was fine wit that. It was Melinda insistence that helped kill the program.

Bill had no natural give back' motto or ethic. Any actual charity that MICROSOFT or The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation actually did was usually due to the interests and concerns of Melinda. The Charlie Rose lackeys in the media worked overtime to make Bill Gates a hero. He was never any such thing. Now Million Belay and Bridget Mugambe provide some much needed reality at SCIENTIFIC AMERICA:

Africans have long been told that our agriculture is backward and should be abandoned for a 21st-century version of the Green Revolution that enabled India to feed itself. Western science and technology, in the form of seeds modified by science and technology, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, petroleum-fueled machinery and artificial irrigation were key to that miracle, we are informed, and we too need to tread that path.
A primary proponent of this view is the Cornell Alliance for Science (CAS), founded in 2014 to “depolarize the charged debate” around genetically modified (GM) seeds. With $22 million in funding thus far from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the CAS in fact consistently defends GM seeds, arguing that they are healthy, productive and environmentally friendly, while attacking agroecology as economically and socially regressive.
In contrast,the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), which represents more than 200 million farmers, fishers, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, women, consumers and others across all but five African countries, holds that agroecology is what our continent needs. Small-scale, ecofriendly cultivation methods using indigenous knowledge and inputs and cutting-edge science increase the variety, nutritive value and quantity of foods produced on farms while stabilizing rural economies, promoting gender equity and protecting biodiversity.
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We welcome investment in agriculture on our continent, but we seek it in a form that is democratic and responsive to the people at the heart of agriculture, not as a top-down force that ends up concentrating power and profit into the hands of a small number of multinational companies. While describing how GM seeds and other technology would solve hunger in African countries, Bill Gates claimed that “it’s a sovereign decision. No one makes that for them.” But the massive resources of the Gates Foundation, which he co-chairs, have had an outsized influence on African scientists and policymakers, with the result that food systems on our continent are becoming ever more market-oriented and corporate-controlled.
This transformation has immense adverse implications for the nutrition, health, environment, culture and right to food of Africans. We ask that Gates let the continent’s food producers and consumers chart our own paths toward sustainable and healthy farming practices and diets.