Wednesday, June 02, 2021

The dishonor goes to . . . AOC

Most Useless Whiny Titty-Baby In Congress?

That 'honor' has to go to AOC. The media made myth came crashing down to earth in 2021 despite all the efforts of the DSA and assorted others to run interference for her. The I'm-just-a-bartender-who-made-it-to-Congress fake ass demonstrated long ago that she could spin a fairy tale. But 2021 was when some of the children grew up and saw that she was all talk.

When not refusing to fight for any issue that matters, AOC can be found kicking the slats on her crib as she whines about how this member of Congress raised their voice to her or how mean that member of Congress was to her. Or how criticizing her, the way some bloggers and podcasters did, was "violence" and "threatening" and "sexism." It was none of those things; however, the big take-away from all of that was: Who the hell knew bartenders were so touchy? How'd she ever survive happy hour?

Surviving the war. That's what she's insisting January 6th was like. You know, if AOC wanted to claim combat experience, she could have enlisted in the US military at any point. Is there a reason she didn't? Oh, right, she pretends to be anti-war. She's anti-war when it comes to serving in another country. When it comes to stopping the ongoing wars by using her position in Congress? Not so anti-war.

AOC does nothing in Congress but she couldn't actually accomplish anything in Congress and still throw her non-stop tantrums.

She chooses to focus on her tantrums. Those are her priorities.