Tuesday, June 15, 2021





In 2018, community sites took turns covering a book every week.  You can see "In 2018, we read books" to review that coverage.  We didn't want to repeat ourselves in 2019 or 2020.  So when Marcia came up with a way to cover books but with a twist, we were all for it.  Marcia's idea was for us to digital books -- we're largely a printed text crowd -- and to use AMAZON's KINDLE UNLIMITED.  So for 2021, we'll be doing a book a week and trying to just use KINDLE UNLIMITED. This week, we're talking with Jess about Victoria Lee's [see his "THE FEVER KING (Jess)"].



So you really loved the novel you read?

Jess: I did. It would make a good movie or even mini-series. It's tight and compelling.

You call it a page turner. Give us an example of another page turner so readers of this site can judge.

Jess: Sure. I'd say THE PELICAN BRIEF by John Grisham or his novel THE FIRM. Along those lines. You just have to tear yourself away from it, force yourself to stop reading so that you can go to sleep.

Do you plan on reading any other books by Victoria Lee?

Jess: I plan on asking my co-worker if he has any other books by her that he'd recommend. I trust his judgment now. That was a great book that he recommended.

And you went with fiction intentionally. We really do come up short with that.

Jess: We do. In the community newsletters, not so much. There are book discussions there -- on new books and old books -- and often it seems like those are all fiction.

We should note Betty's and Dona's which both cover fiction and that when you refer to Marcia covering fiction in your write up, you are referring to the books she covers at her site.

Jess: Correct. And I've already told Marcia she has to read this book. She loves sci-fy and I know she's going to love this book.


Jess: If it were just for me, it wouldn't be worth ten dollars a month, sorry. But Ava and I both use it and so does our child so, between the three of us, I'd argue that we get our monies worth. I'd recommend you do a subscription that your share with family or friends because that makes the cost worth it.




"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Jim, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Kat, Ava and C.I.)"


"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Kat, Ava and C.I.)"


"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Betty, Ava and C.I.)

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Stan, Ava and C.I.)


"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Betty, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Isaiah, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Elaine, Dona, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Mike, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Trina, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Stan, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Marcia, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Kat, Ava and C.I.)"

"KINDLE UNLIMITED (Rebecca, Ava and C.I.)"