Wednesday, June 02, 2021


a park painting 11

This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub, Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.



"Meanwhile in Iraq . . ." -- most requested highlight by readers of this site.

"Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq refugees," "The ever-changing pandemic guidelines," "Again on the cable crash in Italy," "What Margaret Kimberley said," "Arrests in the cable car crash," "Cable car crashes in Italy," "Real labor coverage?," "J.F.K.," "Some documents get released," "Where is the transparency?," "Federal taxes," "glenn greenwald and the gay gaston," "palestine," "Turley on Hunter Biden," "Hard pass on John Warner," "Allison Herrera, Jonathan Turley, George Ezra," "Turley," "Memorial Day weekend," "The truth is often worse than any conspiracy," "The future for brick and mortar book stores?," "Monkeys," "Fake Asses and Motor Mouths," "Jimmy Dore, James Bond," "Jimmy Dore, Paul Ryder," "Jimmy Dore, David North," "What's on Mars?," "NASA's Mars Mission," "Dark matter," "The Milky Way, " "China on Mars" -- news coverage in the community.

"Chase Rice,"  "5 songs I'm listening to," "Crosby, Still, Nash & Cher," "Bob Dylan turned 80 today" and  "5 great tracks from Kate Bush" -- music coverage.

"ERROL FLYNN: THE QUEST FOR AN OSCAR" and "David Yoon's VERSION ZERO" -- book coverage.


"Charmed: The power of three shouldn't include a tr...," "It took me laying on my back in a hearse for you to tell me that you love me?,"  "how i learned to hate 'who's killing sara'," "'dynasty' - season 4 issues/problems," "dynasty and that postponed honeymoon,"  "Jimmy Dore, SUPERMAN & LOIS,"  "Kevin Bacon," "MGM," "Cancelled shows," "THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD" and "The end of CALL YOUR MOTHER" -- TV and movie coverage.




"Salmon Baked in Foil," "Valerie Bertinelli's One Pot Chicken Casserole in the Kitchen" and "Fresh Puttanesca with Brown Rice" Trina serves up recipes.