Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Editorial: Hey, Rapist Joe, maybe don't hire someone who oversaw a toxic work environment

 War Hawk Joe Biden has yet to be sworn in but he just keeps getting worse.


Wheels down in Baghdad. Here, the walks to his helo with Ambassador Jones and Lieutenant General MacFarland.

The self proclaimed 'champion of women' is proving how problematic he is by declaring Neera Tandem his nominee to head OMB.  That would be the same Neera who oversaw a toxic workplace in 2018 -- where harassment of women ran wild and Neera looked the other.  Or she looked the other way up until BUZZFEED reported on what was taking place.  Suddenly, Neera sprang into action.

To address the work place harassment?  No.  She sprung into action to out one of the survivors of the assault.

Grasp that.  She didn't try to stop the harassment but she was right on it when it came time to expose a woman who had been harassed.

You don't have that record and get to be the head of anything.

Joe Biden's nominating Neera Tandem goes to his own problematic history with women.  Only a pig would look at Neera and say, "That's someone I want on my team!"

With every action he takes, Joe Biden just makes us believe Tara Reade all the more.

If the information is news to you, refer to "Iraq snapshot" which addresses it all and then some.