Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Editorial: The corporate media really hopes we forget

 The people of Iraq have been living a war for many years now. Thousands have been killed and almost a million people have been displaced, forced to flee their homes. The people of Iraq are in desperate need of food, shelter and other humanitarian aid. Please donate today and help the innocent civilians of Iraq. To donate visit www.onenationuk.org 100% donation policy


It's the season of giving.   Strange, isn't it, how Iraq's not noted by the corporate media.  Is it guilt?  More likely, it's just they know they lied to start that war and they know the American people know that they lied to start that war so they feel they should cover something else -- anything! -- to try to ignore how their reputations are destroyed.  

But we're not going to forget.  

We're not going to forget that over million Iraqis are dead, that people from other countries (including the US) were sent there to fight and were left wounded or dead. 

Most of all, we're not going to forget that no outlet bothered to make up for their lousy coverage.  And no outlet today can claim to have gotten it right.

MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS did not get it right.  They existed then.  They printed the same lies as everyone else.  KNIGHT RIDDER got it right.  It is no more.  That's the lesson in the world of corporate media -- lie and you'll get away with it, tell the truth and they close your doors.