Wednesday, November 04, 2020

We voted Green (Ann and Jess)

So the election will come and go.  You may or may not be happy with who becomes president.  

We probably won't be.  We're Greens.  We were raised Greens.  Both sets of parents are Greens and raised us to be Greens.  We're adults now and could switch to another party but we have no interest in doing so.  We were raised to believe that a better world is possible and that we have needs that the government has to meet -- needs like Medicare For All and a world that can host the people because it's not been so badly damaged that it's become uninhabitable.

Another reason we won't switch?  

The hatred every four years from Democrats.  Republicans don't seem to care too much about us.  One of us (Jess) did have a taxi driver last week who was a Trump supporter.  He went on and on about how he had voted early and then asked who we voted for?  Upon learning it was Howie Hawkins, he asked who that was and then what is the Green Party?  

Enlightenment on that matter did not make him a better person.  He began raging about how the vote for Howie was hurting America, was doing damage in so many ways, was --

He only shut his trap when it was pointed out that every insult was going to lower his tip.

He fumed quietly after that.

But he's the exception.  On the right, they don't care.  They think that we're stealing votes from the Democrats by voting Green.

Democrats think the same thing -- that their votes got stolen by a Green candidate.

No, not with us.  Not with the Greens we know.

We'd never vote for Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton.

Because of the positions and beliefs candidate Bernie Sanders expressed (in 2016 and 2020) we could have voted for a Democrat.  He was reaching out beyond the Democratic Party and we noticed that and we were willing to consider him as a result.

But the Democratic Party worked to ensure he didn't get the nomination and candidate Bernie became post-candidate Bernie.  That Bernie was disgusting and a bit of whore.  He stabbed all his followers in the back.

And that's how we see Democrats.  And they're so hostile to us.  We spoiled their election!  We didn't spoil a damn thing.  We are members of the Green Party and we voted for our nominee.  You're an idiot if you can't get that.  You're a fool if you don't grasp that this third party has been around long enough that their are members who are parents who have raised grown children who are Greens.

Yes, some people become Greens later in their life.  But there are people like us, Ann and Jess, who are cradle Greens.  We were born into this party and we will stay in this party.  Your selling out and whoring and your constant attacks on us and attempts to bully us and shame us only increase the gulf between you and us.


We voted Green.  We voted Green because Howie Hawkins was a great candidate.  We voted Green because we believe in a Green New Deal, ending the wars, Medicare for All and much more.  We voted Green because we wanted to do our part to maintain ballot access for our party.  We voted Green to say this is what we believe in.

We didn't waste our vote and our vote was never yours.