Monday, September 28, 2020

Truest statement of the week II

 The recent Dump Trump, then Battle Biden piece written by Noam Chomsky, et al and signed by a few dozen liberal activists and authors, who recycle this twaddle every four years, makes many logical, factual, and rhetorical errors.

Arguably, the main error is that no matter how terrible is a Democrat candidate for POTUS; no matter how many wars he supported; no matter how many women/girls he publicly molested; no matter how many cops went un-prosecuted; no matter how many immigrant families were separated at the border; no matter how many billions of dollars were transferred from the poor to the already wealthy; no matter how much corruption and pork barrel politics have been tied to him; and no matter how far he has gone in a state of mental decline; etc: THAT HE OWNS OUR VOTES.

 According to the letter, the signers are not in love with Democrat candidate Joe Biden, but it seems their only “beef” with him is that he is “beholden to the elites.” He IS one of those political elite and has been a profound part of the decadence and violence of the U.S. political establishment for decades and an architect of many of the paths that led the U.S. straight to a Trump regime.

-- The Ineffectual and Dangerous Concept of Lesser-Evilism by Cindy Sheehan