Friday, September 11, 2020

Truest statement of the week II

 In relation to the Sanders’ campaign, no one posed, let alone answered, the question: How did we get fooled again? How did the “political revolution” that we championed end up in a campaign behind Biden, that stalwart of political corruption and reaction? No one will acknowledge that the outcome had been predicted by the World Socialist Web Site, as this would be to acknowledge the correctness of Marxism.

To the extent that there is a theory behind the MPP, it is that a political movement is built on the lowest common denominator. No differences can be discussed, and any examination of the political role and record of the individuals involved must be avoided at all costs. There is a semi-conscious recognition that if they discussed anything seriously, the smiles would disappear and the whole operation would blow apart.

This politics by eclectic amalgam is expressed in the name itself: the “People’s Party.” But what are “the people”? The use of the term is above all aimed at clearly opposing the MPP to working-class politics, that is, a socialist and revolutionary perspective.

One can venture a prediction that the August 30 convention will be the last time that the various individuals who formed the MPP will all come together. In any case, for workers and youth who are seeking a way to oppose inequality, war and dictatorship, its main purpose is to provide a lesson in what serious politics is not.

-- Jacob Crosse and Joseph Kishore, "The Movement for a Peoples’ Party: No program, no principles, no future" (WSWS).