Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Editorial: Poor Joe

Oh, War Hawk Joe Biden's not having a good time of it -- even with the press whoring for him.  The man who destroyed Iraq -- as a US senator and as vice president -- wants to be in the White House and feels he's murdered enough people to get there.

BBC NEWS notes:

US Democrat Joe Biden has said he will not hold presidential campaign rallies during the coronavirus pandemic.
"This is the most unusual campaign, I think, in modern history," Mr Biden said at a press conference in Delaware.

He reached that decision after the poor turnout for him in Pennsylvania and after the weekend campaign polling that saw Joe slip just a little.

See Joe's a victim of The Hillary Effect.  The less you see him, the more you like him.  Which also means, the more you see him, the less you like him.

No one's turning out to see Joe and reports of Joe being out and about depress his polling.

Of course, they're going to hide him away.  Who wouldn't when he says things like the following in public?

And when Joe's not babbling about his leg hairs, he's attacking people for asking questions.

He's too old, he's too angry, he's too senile and he's too much of a War Hawk.