Monday, June 01, 2020

George Floyd

Marcia explained it last week:

George Floyd? Of course he was murdered. Didn't you watch the video? He wasn't resisting.
I believe murder charges are necessary. I do not blindly scream that every time. I do have an uncle who is a police officer and that's probably why I will say, "Let me look at it." When there's a killing, I try to look at the information. Most of the time we don't have video. I don't know how anyone seeing the video could dispute that the police need to be charged. He was cooperative. He was doing what he was asked. This is the case of abuse by the police and it resulted in death. They are given that shield to protect and serve -- not to kill and maim. There is no excuse for this.

George Floyd was murdered. I feel for his family. If we do not get real justice, it sends a bad message. There has to be accountability. 

 Protests soon followed. Some protests had violence and that shocked the pearl clutchers.  It didn't shock Marcia who noted:

 If you think you've seen rough with the protests so far, you don't know the half of it.  People are tired of this.  People are tired of an out of control police force hunting African-Americans in full view of We The People. 
You don't want unrest?  Prove to all of us that the system is fair and works for all.  The way you do that is arresting the murderers and putting them on trial for murder. 

Though the response was perfectly understandable, that didn't prevent some conspiracy nuts from making crazy claims on TV.  Aaron Mate noted the ridiculous Susan Rice:

Susan Rice on unrest and violence at the George Floyd protests: "This is right out of the Russian playbook as well."
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 More of Susan Rice speculating on CNN that Russia is fueling US protests: "I would not be surprised to learn that they have fomented some of these extremists on both sides using social media. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they are funding it in some way, shape, or form."

 The tin foil hat wearing Susan Rice shouldn't be allowed on the airwaves again after the crazy talk. 

 Over on the right-wing, actor James Wood noted Susan's crazy:

In an Olympic level feat of pretzel-twisting, hoax hustler Rice manages to shoehorn the Russians into the narrative yet again! #ObamaGateLizard

Why is Susan offering crazy talk instead of addressing real issues?

Maybe because, for eight years, she served in an administration that ignored every real issue that is now on fire?

Sanna Towns offers:

Living a privileged life as a Black person can cause you to be out of touch with the lives of the masses. I guess Susan Rice doesn’t understand that some of our anger is against policies instituted by folks like her.

CBS NEWS, unlike CNN, tried to stick to reality.

Katie Halper discussed the murder of George Floyd and the protests with Margaret Kimberley.