Monday, April 20, 2020

That disappointing Ellen DeGeneres


It seems like Ellen DeGeneres is a disappointment in every way these days.

She compared being holed up in her mansion to being in jail.  Meanwhile, people actually in jail and prisons don't have her amenities or the safety that she's living with.

She hired a non-union crew to do the corona episodes of her unneeded and non-essential talk show.  She also refused to keep her workers in the loop.

All of this comes after her defense of noted homophobe Kevin Hart and her embrace of War Criminal Bully Boy Bush.

Some people grapple with this and can't understand it.  Remember how brave she was, they insist, in 1997!!!!

The same events that she's been lying about in recent years?  (See Ava and C.I.'s "TV: The lies of Ellen DeGeneres are out in full force in her NETFLIX special.")

People need to grow the hell up.  For example, there was a recent rush to insist no one criticize John Lewis.  Don't do it, hissed a few.

Why the hell not?

In the sixties, he did some stuff to applaud, yes.

But we're not living in the 1960s.  We're living in today.  And whether it's whoring the American people out to Turbo Tax or the late Bruce Dixon's wondering "Is It Time To Revoke John Lewis' Lifetime Civil Rights Hero Pass?," is it time to grow the hell up and grasp that one moment in time does not define a lifetime nor does it create a 'get out of jail' card that can be used over and over.


Illustration is Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Self-Appointed Queen Has Spoken."