Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Editorial: Anyone But Biden

Joe Biden is the choice of . . . no one.  Karishma Meta Tweets:

Does everyone know how to use Google? Ok then I encourage the following searches: Joe Biden segregationist Joe Biden social security Joe Biden Iraq War Joe Biden sexual assault Joe Biden plagiarism Joe Biden Nelson Mandela Joe Biden voter attacks Joe Biden teleprompter

Joe has a rap sheet that isn't pretty and that's even before Tara Reade detailed Joe's alleged assault of her.  Paul Mulshine (NEW JERSEY STAR-LEDGER) offers:

Murphy suggested that the party’s leaders, including Barack Obama, might want to sit down with Biden and urge him to yield to a stronger candidate such as Cuomo.
The polls back him up. At this point on the last cycle, Hillary Clinton was holding a 10-point lead over Trump in the polls. But she went on to lose in the Electoral College.
As for Biden, he’s got a slight lead in most polls, but barely over the margin of error.
Biden’s real weakness is in the area of voter enthusiasm. The ABC News/Washington Post poll stated, that “strong enthusiasm for Biden among his supporters – at just 24 percent – is the lowest on record for a Democratic presidential candidate in 20 years of ABC/Post polls. More than twice as many of Trump’s supporters are highly enthusiastic about supporting him, 53 percent.”

Cuomo is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and though he insists he doesn't want the nomination, people are floating his name.  They're also floating California's Governor Gavin Newsom's name.  Anyone but Biden appears to be the mood today.

Joe's not fit for the nomination.  We support Bernie Sanders.  Joe is a nightmare.  Joe is not a functioning adult, he's someone who needs to be steered to assisted living, not leading the country.  The Democratic Party leaders need to address this problem.

Craig Snyder (PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER) suggests:

 At the Democratic National Convention, whether it happens conventionally or virtually, Vice President Biden could, and perhaps should, step aside, and ask his delegates to vote to nominate Governor Andrew Cuomo. This, despite the Governor’s declarations of non-candidacy.

 And David Bossie (FOX NEWS) notes:

And as Cuomo and Newsom receive free earned media coverage as they deal with the unfolding coronavirus situations in their respective states, Biden is desperately trying to hang on to the rapidly sunsetting narrative that he’s a capable enough leader for these deadly serious times. Many would say this ship has already sailed. Think for a moment about the stamina and vigor of Trump in these trying times and then think about Biden’s inability to string together a coherent sentence during an interview with his political supporters on MSNBC. 
The Biden team is so eager to try and stay relevant in today’s COVID-19 dominated media cycle that they’re willing to allow their candidate to get on a phone call with Trump to discuss the pandemic simply for the media attention it will garner. Their apparent willingness to ignore the enormous pitfall this proposed call represents is telling. The American people will witness a laser-focused and intense wartime president of the United States contrasted with a flailing, consultant-driven career politician floating around the periphery of things that matter. 

Joe needs to go before he sinks the party and delivers four more years in the White House to Donald Trump.  Anyone But Biden is the only way to victory.