Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Truest statement of the week II

In the past several weeks the level of hysteria in the nonstop corporate media and Democratic Party elite effort to dismiss or discredit Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the party’s presidential nomination has ratcheted up. This isn’t really a surprise, or it shouldn’t be. Since 2016, it has become ever clearer that much of the Democratic establishment and its propaganda organs—MSNBC first among them—are more worried about a victory of the left than about Trump’s re-election. As the Sanders campaign and the political movement propelling it continue to make headway, those forces have become more shrill and over-the-top, with many openly calling for coalescence around a need to stop Sanders from becoming the party’s nominee as the central Democratic objective for 2020. Corporate Democrat hacks and retainers like Chris Matthews, Chuck Todd, et al. have begun hysterically evoking paranoid Birchite fantasies, like Matthews’ recent assertion that Medicare for All will ensue in mass executions in Central Park. Second-string hack Maria Teresa Kumar put her finger on the neoliberal Democrats’ dilemma when she insisted that attacking the billionaire class will backfire on the party if it follows the Sanders line because “there’s not an American that wakes up every single morning and doesn’t say ‘I’m going to get up in the morning so that I someday either can be rich or my kid can be rich.’”

-- Adolph Reed Jr., "Here They Come Again: The Kind of Neoliberal Democrats Who Prefer Trump to Sanders" (COMMON DREAMS).