Monday, January 06, 2020

Oh, look at the dummies

It takes a lot of stupid for wars to drag on forever.  Just like it takes a lot of stupid for a UK-er to think his reaction is more important than an Iraqi person's reaction.

Mass protests against Iran’s growing influence in Iraq were gaining momentum. Soleimani’s plan was to provoke a US military response that would redirect that rising anger toward the United States. In death he would appear to have achieved just that.

Solemani's dead.  He's over.  He's not achieving anything.

The outrage you're feeling is not what's taking place in Iraq.  In Iraq, they're protesting and they're protesting outside influence by the governments of the US and Iran.  On Saturday, Iranian interests grabbed a Turkish restaurant in Baghdad's Tahrir Square and tried to demand that one of their two candidates be named prime minister.

It did not go over well.

While Solemani is all you can think about, he is not the consuming interest in Iraq.  The Iraqi people fight to be free daily.  You?  You're just a wanker.