Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Truest statement of the week

It was not the last time Hillary Clinton would be intertwined with the process. She lost against the man who now faces impeachment himself, Donald Trump. Or more accurately, she blew the 2016 election against Trump, a man who should never have won and would never have won except he had the good fortune to be running against a terrible candidate.
Now that terrible candidate is making noises like she’d give it another go, telling the BBC that “many, many, many people” were encouraging her to run again. That’s three “manys,” if you’re keeping count. If she gets to five, she’s a candidate again, in spite of the fact that she’s a two-time loser. Barack Obama beat her in the Democratic primaries the first time around. “I, as I say,” she told that same interviewer, “never, never, never say never.” That’s four “nevers.” Four nevers mean, in politics-speak, “Candidates never really go away.”

-- Bob Franken, "Hillary Clinton is playing Richard Nixon" (COASTAL COURIER).