Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Truest statement of the week II

Last week 188 House Democrats joined the Republican caucus and passed the sweeping $738 billion military spending bill or 2020 NDAA. It includes funding for the Space Force as a sixth armed service and increases the Pentagon budget by $22 billion. Most House Democrats backed this obscene giveaway to the President after his ungodly $1.5 trilion tax cut and after his administration introduced three proposals that would cut about 2.2 million U.S. households, or almost 4 million people, from the food stamp program, while also reducing benefits for another 3.1 million households. He has also proposed Social Security changes that could end disability benefits for hundreds of thousands, yet the Democrats are silent.
In passing the NDAA the House Democrats agreed to keep Guantanamo Bay open, remove the bipartisan amendment to stop the war in Yemen and the bipartisan amendment to stop an unauthorized, offensive war against Iran. Only 41 Democrats voted against the NDAA.  The “Squad” and Barbara Lee did not while most of the CBC voted in favor of it (as usual). Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, hailed the measure as "the most progressive defense bill we have passed in decades."

Finally, Democrats proudly announced that they passed the USMCA, the revision of the NAFTA trade deal with Canada and Mexico, which had been stalled on Capitol Hill. We are still awaiting the final analysis on this, but it looks like American labor looses and big pharma wins, again.

-- Wilmer J. Leon III, "Democrats as “Liberal”? No, Neo-Liberal Capitulation" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).