Wednesday, December 18, 2019

5 Congressional Democrats the party needs to lose

no deal nancy

1) Nancy Pelosi.  The Speaker should have stepped aside long ago.  She's failed repeatedly.  She has blamed her inability to end the Iraq War on then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  It's always someone else's fault.  But under Nancy's (mis)leadership, US troops remain in Iraq, the PATRIOT Act keeps getting renewed, the taxpayer money continues to be gobbled up by defense industry fat cats, homelessness in the country isn't even an agenda item, go down the list.  She's aged out of her role and when Rahm Emanuel was having to rescue her in the middle of a 2006 press conference, it was obvious that she had cognitive issues -- they have only gotten worse.  Foe of Medicare For All -- but won't give up her personal health plan that the taxpayers foot the bill for.

2) Adam Schiff.  Does he ever tell the truth?  He tells one grand lie after another.  They implode.  And then he doesn't offer an apology, he just tells another big lie.  He's giving the party a very bad image.

3) Debbie Washerwoman Schultz.  The definition of a corrupt politician.  The IT scandal should have brought her down and, with any luck, it may yet do so.  Her actions as head of the DNC in 2015 and 2016 were unethical.  She's a gross embarrassment and the party cannot redeem her no matter how hard they try.  She is Nancy's good pal Corrine Brown days before the cops showed up to arrest Corrine.  (For those who missed it, Corrine's no longer in Congress, she's in prison.)

4) Al Lawson.  Never met a huge defense spending bill he couldn't support.  Also supports the war on Yemen.  Also demands that the US government continue to provide arms to the government of Saudi Arabia.  Domestically?  He supports (and votes for) warrantless spying on American citizens.

5) Tim Ryan.  Professional idiot.  Invokes 9/11 without even knowing who attacked.  (US House Rep Tulsi Gabbard had to educate him in the June Democratic Party presidential nominees debate.)  Only became pro-choice in 2015, after he realized he was going to be tossed out of office.  Never sure of what he's about to say and takes a moment or two after he's said it to register the words that just left his mouth.  A tool of corporate America (so much so, he even opposes a do-not-call list that would keep businesses from calling/bothering citizens).  Always looks like he just woke up from a wet dream.

Don't bother going to the laughable CREW website.  They haven't done their list of most corrupt members of Congress since Barack Obama was president.  These days, all they do is the White House, attack, attack, attack, while pretending that they're non-partisan.  Remember when the press used to bill them as "a non-partisan, Congressional watchdog"?  Yeah, us too.

Illustration is Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "No Deal Nancy."