Monday, November 18, 2019

Truest statement of the week II

It was recently revealed that a Twitter executive  is also a British army reservist whose unit specializes in "information warfare" and “non-lethal" ways of conducting war. That is the very definition of hybrid war.
It is problematic to invade, occupy, overthrow and impose deadly sanctions on helpless civilians when average people can easily access information for themselves. Getting and keeping public support for evil doing is a risky proposition. That is why governments tell lies. They can’t assume a thumbs up from the public when they kill and destroy. They need propaganda and at this stage of history when the United States and its allies can’t expect to get what they want, the lies must be many and they must be promoted constantly.

We see this dynamic in action in Bolivia where a right wing coup aided and abetted by the United States forced president Evo Morales out of office and out of his country in fear for his life. The coup makers were stealthy, and used their scribes in corporate media and institutions like the Organization of American States (OAS) to vilify Morales and claim that his recent election was fraudulent.

-- Margaret Kimberley, "Freedom Rider: Hybrid Warfare in Bolivia and Beyond" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).